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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Happy Yemen Market a step towards improving local products
Happy Yemen Market a step towards improving local products
Happy Yemen Market a step towards improving local products
[Sun, 03 Mar 2024 10:44:25 +0300]

SANA'A March 03. 2024 (Saba) - The General Authority for Small and Micro Enterprise Development recently opened the Happy Yemen Initiative market in Al-Sabeen Park in the capital, Sana’a, within the framework of its “Marketing Business Incubator” project.

The market, which was established by the Authority in cooperation with the General Administration of Parks and Recreation, and with the participation of nearly fifty small and micro-enterprises, contains various food products, chemical and leather products, clothing, and handicrafts and crafts.

The opening of the market comes within the Authority’s efforts related to qualifying and developing local and national products to become of high quality and capable of entering the markets and competing with foreign products.

The Small Enterprise Development Authority keen to revitalize the small and micro enterprise sector by motivating the owners of these projects to develop their projects to be medium and large in the future, possessing high-quality products capable of competing in local and global markets in the future.

The opening of the market is considered the first practical step within the framework of the Authority’s vision as it is responsible for building and producing projects that are capable of development and continuity and are capable of effectively contributing to the economic development of the country.

The Chairman of the Authority, Ahmed Al-Kabsi, explained to (Saba) that the Authority’s vision and efforts are an actual translation of the directives of the leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, related to the growth and development of local industries in order to achieve self-sufficiency.

In the Happy Yemen Initiative market, the impressions of its participants and visitors varied between admiring and encouraging, as a number of heads of families who visited the market confirmed in statements to (Saba) that interest in improving the products of Yemeni industrial projects is the main factor for these products to enter local markets and compete with foreign products.

They added that they found many food and non-food products offered in the market of high quality that can be purchased and relied upon as an alternative to some similar foreign products, as well as that their prices are acceptable and affordable compared to the prices of imported products.

Household heads considered the market a good step because it is distinguished from other previous markets by the quality of the products offered.

For their part, a number of owners of small and smaller projects participating in the market praised the Authority’s efforts in developing their projects and qualifying their capabilities, which contributes to improving their products to be of high quality capable of entering the markets and competing with foreign products.

Moeen Food Products Manager Sarah Khaled, one of the participants, explained that the Small Enterprise Development Authority worked to restore confidence between small business owners and the government side through its major role in organizing small business activities and assisting them without any compensation.

She added that she submitted her project to the authority with the aim of entering the marketing business incubator, which in turn will enable her to develop her project into a pioneering project.

For her part, the owner of the Joy Food Industries project, Joy Al-Wazir, confirmed that the good organization and the Small Enterprise Development Authority’s keenness to improve the products had a good impact on many families’ acceptance of their food products and the desire to buy them.

In turn, the owner of the Clean Saba Detergents Project, Ruqaya Mutahar, considered the Happy Yemen Initiative a qualitative addition to the Authority’s efforts aimed at developing small projects so that they become pioneering projects that can be developed and continued.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300