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  US-Saudi Aggression
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China surpass America in several fields
China surpass America in several fields
China surpass America in several fields
[Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:28:39 +0300]

SANA'A February 28.2024 (Saba) - China has become globally superior to the United States of America in most economic, military, technical and diplomatic fields, after America boasted of its hegemony for decades.

In this context... The Global Diplomacy Index for the current year 2024, issued by the Australian "Lowe" Institute, revealed on Monday that China has the largest diplomatic network in the world, ahead of the United States.

The Lowy Institute said that "China is the largest diplomatic power in the world and enjoys a wider presence than the United States in international arenas."

It is noteworthy that the Global Diplomacy Index ranks 66 countries and regions according to the number of diplomatic positions they hold in the world, and in the newly issued classification, China came in first place with 274 positions in its diplomatic network, followed by the United States in second place with 271.

Beijing is leading in Africa, East Asia, Pacific Island countries and Central Asia, while Washington still enjoys superiority in Europe, North and Central America and South Asia, which are equal in the Middle East and South America.

The report highlighted the product of China's efforts to expand its influence amid intense geopolitical competition with Washington.

"Diplomacy is often overlooked as a measure of influence, but it is one of the most important elements of statecraft," said Louis Ryan Neelam, director of the Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Program at the Louis Ryan Neelam Institute. Adding.."The Global Diplomacy Index shows that governments continue to invest in diplomacy to show power and advance their interests."

Earlier, the American Modern Diplomacy website revealed that China has in recent years gained decisive power in the regions of Southeast Asia and Africa.

China's rise in the Middle East is nothing new, and that, along with its growing influence in the economy and politics and its becoming a reliable partner, has contributed to supporting China's rise at the political level in the Middle East.

China is a trustworthy partner of Middle Eastern countries, with most Chinese interests focused on the economic perspective, and China has not been drawn into any of the territorial disputes.

According to the report, China has remained steadfast in its call for international action, such as UN peacekeeping operations, to address security issues.

The changing relationship between the United States and Middle Eastern countries is a factor that has allowed China to shine in the Middle East.

Since the beginning of the year, the U.S. Secretary of the Navy has warned that the Chinese navy has significant advantages over its U.S. competitor, including a larger fleet and greater ability to build and produce warships. Militarily.. U.S. Deputy Secretary of War Kathleen Hicks said in remarks at a military technology conference in Washington recently that China's primary superiority is "quantity: more ships, more missiles, more personnel."

She added that her country intends to confront China's quantitative superiority with its own quantitative superiority, "but planning (to confront it) will be harder, hitting it will be harder, defeating it will be harder."

Washington considers China as the most prominent challenge it faces globally in several fields, as its officials have repeatedly stressed their efforts to avoid any direct confrontation with it, especially in the divergence over Taiwan.

Amid years of intense geopolitical competition on all fronts between China and the United States, Beijing appears to have ousted Washington in the field of diplomacy, as Beijing has become the largest diplomatic power in the world, with a wider presence than the United States.

Last December 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping confirmed through a fiery speech that his country "has become a major country with strong international influence and greater moral attractiveness," and at the time stressed that the one-pole policy is over, in reference to the leadership of American power in global politics.

It is noteworthy that China has played an effective and important role in bringing views closer on a number of files, including the Saudi-Iranian dialogue and the Ukrainian-Russian war, as it put forward an initiative to resume negotiations between Kiev and Moscow last year.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in a keynote speech at a session titled "China in the World" at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, said China intends to be a stabilizing force in dealing with hot issues.

Beijing seeks to explore solutions to hot-button issues with Chinese characteristics, commits to non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and opposes the imposition of wills on others, he said.

China adheres to objectivity and justice, opposes the pursuit of personal gain, advocates political compromise and opposes the use of force, believes in addressing both symptoms and root causes, and opposes myopia and prejudice, he stressed.

In the field of energy... In its latest report, the International Energy Agency predicted that this year China will achieve its wind and solar energy development goals for 2030, six years ahead of schedule.

By 2028, China will account for nearly 60 percent of global renewable energy generation.

The Chinese government has issued an "Action Plan to Reach Peak Carbon Dioxide Emissions Before 2030" and a "National Plan for Building Pilot Cities to Reach Peak Carbon Emissions".

And other documents to promote the green shift in production. With the aim of reducing peak carbon dioxide emissions.

While achieving its clean, low-carbon development, China is also actively contributing Chinese wisdom to the global energy transition and addressing climate change.

Commercially.. China's Ministry of Commerce on Monday strongly opposed a U.S. report denying China's contribution to the multilateral trading system and the global economy after joining the World Trade Organization more than two decades ago.

As the largest developing country member of the WTO, China has always firmly upheld the multilateral trading system, sincerely practiced multilateralism, and earnestly fulfilled its obligations to the WTO, the ministry said in a statement.

According to surveys conducted by China Media Group's CGTN Network in partnership with China's Renmin University through the New Age Institute for International Communication, more than 90 percent (90.6 percent) of global respondents praise China as an important country and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation with China is in their own interest.

This view has received common consensus among members of the international community.

China cannot develop in isolation, the world needs China to prosper, and in the eyes of global responders, China is not only an engine of global economic growth and an opportunity for global development, but also a stable and reliable partner of the international community.

At present, China is engaged in several projects of great importance, from the concept of a global community with a shared future, the Belt and Road Initiative, to the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, the World Civilization Initiative, and then to mediating among countries in the Middle East to achieve historic reconciliation, and promoting the United Nations Climate Change Conference to reach consensus.

Therefore, China's ideas, plans and wisdom are gaining increasing confidence and expectations from the international community, which enhances its global standing.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300