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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Yemeni position...Qualitative shift in operations to deter American , British ships & battleships
Yemeni position...Qualitative shift in operations to deter American , British ships & battleships
Yemeni position...Qualitative shift in operations to deter American , British ships & battleships
[Tue, 27 Feb 2024 23:04:39 +0300]

SANA'A February 27.2024 (Saba) - The Yemeni armed forces imposed a qualitative battle with tactical rules and superior military capabilities, which the countries of the coalition protecting Israeli ships did not expect, which is facing its fate with the greatest setback in the history of naval wars.

Going beyond the use of gunboats and drone submarines, in the naval battle that represents the greatest victory in the nation’s history for the Palestinians, these operations, in which drones and naval missiles participate, have begun to take the trend of expansion, and are moving in a way that reflects the determination and certainty of victory towards a longer range that may constitute the beginning of the end of American influence in the region.

The qualitative shift in military operations to deter American , British ships and battleships, which came under fire from the Yemeni navy in the Red and Arabian Seas and Bab al-Mandab, revealed to all countries of the world that Yemen has become a difficult figure and a source of inspiration for free peoples.

While the faces of the leaders of the Arab regimes are stained with positions of shame, today the world is witnessing the true face of Yemen with the escalation it is carrying out in its sea waters against the ships of the Zionist entity and its partners from the colonial countries, which represents pride for all the free people of the nation.

With this position, Yemen has become a strong and fearsome nation facing the colonial powers, and proudly stands in the side of truth and in support of the oppressed in Gaza, who are dying of hunger and thirst in a situation that has passed the catastrophic stage under a comprehensive siege imposed by the criminal Zionist entity, coinciding with its aggression against Gaza Strip and the genocidal massacres it is committing against civilians.

One of the greatest manifestations of the heroic scenes that will be recorded in the brightest pages of history is that scene of a number of Yemeni heroes dragging the wreckage of the downed American plane, which raised the ire and fears of the US Department of Defense about revealing its secrets and techniques.

Reactions in support of these operations continue from various peoples of the world on social media platforms and media outlets to express pride in the Yemeni position, which broke the stereotype drawn by the Zionist entity and its partners, with the painful operations it carries out that confirm that Yemen will not be easy prey for any invader.

Among the most prominent manifestations of support that accompanied these responses were the demonstrations witnessed by more than one country that represented the first seed to break the state of fear, during which the Yemeni flag was raised, pictures of the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, were raised, and chants were chanted in support of the Yemeni forces and expressed indignation and anger towards the position of the Arab leaders and the continued their works for Israel.

In conjunction with the increase in the pace of military operations and the emergence of the spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces, which has become a source of concern for the countries of the coalition to protect Israeli ships, media reports described these operations as miracles that reflect the doctrine of the Yemeni fighter and his high capabilities in targeting American ships and battleships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab, and the day will come when these epics are taught in international military academies.

Arab analysts praised Yemen's position and its heroes competed to bear martyrdom in defense of the nation's issues, not fearing America or the colonial West, and that these honorable people will have a great role in the epic victory over the Zionist occupier and cleansing the Palestinian lands of the filth of the Zionists.

Just as Yemen was able to confuse all the cards of the American administration and put them in an embarrassing corner, it will win and emerge with its head held high, Washington and its allies will pay a heavy price for standing in the trenches of the Zionist aggression against the besieged brothers in Gaza and the defenders of the sanctities of a nation that no longer knows the meaning of dignity and sovereignty.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300