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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Yemen wins for humanity by deterring America, Britain in Red and Arab Seas
Yemen wins for humanity by deterring America, Britain in Red and Arab Seas
Yemen wins for humanity by deterring America, Britain in Red and Arab Seas
[Wed, 21 Feb 2024 12:06:52 +0300]

SANA'A February 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Yemeni people continue with confidence, strength and steadfastness to support the Palestinian people, support their just cause, and support the valiant resistance, by directing the harshest strikes and carrying out operations against the forces of global hegemony and arrogance led by America, Britain and the Zionist entity.

Despite the American-British aggression against Yemen, in an attempt to stop the operations of the armed forces against Zionist, American, and British ships heading to the occupied ports, the Yemeni forces recently escalated their strikes on British, American, and Zionist ships in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Aden, and bombed the depth of the entity in the occupied territories.

The leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, repeatedly warned America and Britain in more than one speech not to get involved and launch aggression against the Yemeni people, and to stop their support for the Zionist entity. However, Washington and London took a path that led to escalation in the service of the Zionist lobby and its leaders, who are still committing massacres after massacres against the Palestinian people.

During the last period of Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood,” Sana’a sent reassuring messages to the international community, stating that the operations of the Yemeni armed forces in the Red and Arab Seas were directed only against the ships of the Zionist entity and ships heading to its ports, and linked that limited and temporary measure to stopping the Zionist aggression and lifting its siege on Gaza.

However, it seems that America and Britain did not understand the messages from Sana'a and the warnings of the leader of the revolution and went too far in their arrogance in supporting the enemy entity, which failed to achieve the goals of its aggression against Gaza for nearly five months.

Sana'a is still committed to protecting navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Aden, and provides the highest levels of care for the safety of maritime navigation. However, the insistence of Washington and London on escalating their aggression against Yemen and thwarting any efforts to stop the war on Palestine has made Sana'a run out of patience towards disciplining America, Britain and the Zionist entity.

America classified the Great Satan, the national component, Ansar Allah, as a terrorist group, as a result of its support for Palestine, its support for the Palestinian cause, and its resistance against the Zionist entity.

As soon as its suspicious decision entered into force, His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, the supreme political leader issued a decision classifying America and Britain as two countries hostile to the Republic of Yemen, and considering it as countries that support the protect Zionist entity.

The American-British escalation over the past few days was matched by an earth-shattering Yemeni escalation, with specific operations carried out by the armed forces as part of a strategy to deter forces hostile to Yemen and Palestine, by destroying American and British ships in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Aden, which caused the sinking of a British ship and the downing of an American plane in Hodeida.

The American-British alliance, which brought its battleships and fleets with superior capabilities in military armament to the region and the Red and Arab Seas, to impose hegemony over peoples and regimes unable today to break the equation imposed by Sana’a.

Today, Washington is drowning in a sea of impotence, after the operations that undermined American statements claiming that its forces had finished off the Yemeni military capabilities and disabled their reactors.

Yemen has succeeded in two important tests: the first is its steadfastness in the official and principled popular position in support of the Palestinian people despite the American policy of enticement and intimidation, and the second moral in the Yemeni armed forces avoided casualties and evacuated the crew of the British ship before it sank.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300