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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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With immediate response decision... Yemeni resistance deters Zionist-American orgy
With immediate response decision... Yemeni resistance deters Zionist-American orgy
With immediate response decision... Yemeni resistance deters Zionist-American orgy
[Fri, 08 Dec 2023 20:01:45 +0300]

SANA'A December 08. 2023 (Saba) - The military operation carried out by the Yemeni armed forces, targeting two Zionist ships, reflected the state of confidence in the readiness of the Yemeni resistance and its decisive ability, in responding immediately to the resumption of the Zionist-American aggression forces’ aggression against the Gaza Strip, and a sufficient demonstration of the reality of the Yemeni preparation and preparedness for a major battle for the sake of Palestine entitled “The flood of Yemen will not be covered and will remain legitimate until liberation and the defeat of the temporary entity.”

In light of recent events, with the resumption of the Zionist-American aggression forces against the Gaza Strip, it has become clear that Yemen stands in a state of readiness for all options, reaching the maximum levels of escalation, and we will witness a repetition of the scene of painful strikes and fiery escalation by the Yemeni army towards the depth of the Zionist enemy entity in the occupied Palestinian territories, and against ships and the Zionist-American fleets, but on a larger scale and longer ranges.

In the current events, we see that all the justifications for confrontation with the forces of aggression are still present and strong. There are no limits or ceilings to the aspirations of the Yemeni resistance in seeking to accumulate more military strikes. What is coming from the Yemen front is undoubtedly worse and will be a burning fire pouring on the Zionist entity and on Western American interests in the region.

This aspiration was embodied in the announcement by the Yemeni armed forces last Sunday of carrying out a targeting operation against two Zionist ships in Bab al-Mandab.

The Armed Forces explained in a statement issued by them that, in implementation of the directives of Commander Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and in response to the demands of the Yemeni people and the calls of the free people of the Arab and Islamic nation to stand fully with the choices of the Palestinian people and their proud resistance, the naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a targeting operation against two “Israeli” ships in Bab al-Mandab. They are the “Unity Explorer” ship and the “Number Nine” ship. The first ship was targeted by a naval missile and the second ship was targeted by a naval drone.

The statement indicated that the targeting operation came after the two ships rejected warning messages from the Yemeni naval forces.

The Armed Forces confirmed that they will continue to prevent Zionist ships from navigating the Red and Arab Seas until the Zionist aggression against the steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip stops.

It renewed its warning to all Zionist or Zionist-affiliated ships that they will become a legitimate target if they violate what was stated in this statement and previous statements issued by the Yemeni armed forces.

Earlier, the official spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Yahya Saree, confirmed stopping navigation in front of Zionist ships, indicating that this came in support of the Palestinian people.

He stressed that the Yemeni armed forces had resumed targeting Zionist ships with painful and devastating strikes, explaining that Yemen was waging a fateful battle with the occupying entity and the Americans.

The recent military operation was completely consistent with the Yemeni leadership’s assertion that it is living in a state of war with the Zionist enemy entity, and will not back down from its national, moral and religious stance, no matter how Western countries try to intimidate it by sending more battleships and aircraft carriers or moving its local tools.

What is noteworthy is that what the Yemeni armed forces achieved was a new round of victory in a series of rounds that changed the equations on the field, making the Yemeni resistance once again prove its ability to move towards occupied Palestine, which constitutes an additional point of strength for the axis ofresistance.

There is no doubt that linking the Yemeni armed forces to stop their military strikes with the Zionist enemy entity stopping its barbaric aggression against the Gaza Strip is a link that carries connotations that carry with it a message of support for the Palestinian resistance that it relies on this force provided by the Yemeni resistance on the one hand, and is part of the equation of the inevitable response, which enabled the Palestinian resistance is able to reach a balance of deterrence with the Zionist enemy on the other hand.

Here we can delve into the most important messages that the Yemeni armed forces carried with their final strike: they raised the pace of deterrence to curb the Zionist orgy, and established a new equation based on which the destruction of Gaza will only be equivalent to the destruction of “Tel Aviv.”

Therefore, the Zionist enemy entity had to understand the recent equation of terror that Yemen explicitly announced, that the area of response now extends from Sanaa to Gaza, and it will be difficult for the temporary entity to overcome it or think about breaking it.

This represents an indicator that confirms the fact that the Yemeni resistance is maintaining the initiative and suffocating the Zionist enemy entity with the terror of waiting and anticipating an inevitable coming blow within the rules of engagement it imposed in dealing with the breaking of the truce and the return of the Zionist-American aggression against Gaza.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300