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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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Deputy Shamsi inspects flood damage in Al-Mashjab district in Al-Salw District, Taiz
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
[21 July 2024]
American-British aggression aircraft launch three raids on Hodeida
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Citizen killed by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada
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Air defenses down American plane in Marib
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Sa'ada Saudi enemy forces target citizen's house in Baqim
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Suspicious role of UAE state in destroying Arabism & Islam
Suspicious role of UAE state in destroying Arabism & Islam
Suspicious role of UAE state in destroying Arabism & Islam
[Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:38:34 +0300]

SANA'A December 05. 2023 (Saba) - With astonishing determination, the UAE statelet continues its criminal role in destroying Arab cohesion and Islamic brotherhood until it has become a real threat to Arab national security. This rogue statelet has reached the level of insolence in declaring its collaboration with America and the Zionist entity, and its rush towards normalization without restraint, crossing all red lines related to Arab national security and Islamic constants.

A state whose foreign policy does not have a clear strategy and is not governed by constants in the era of open skies and the era of satellite channels. What distinguishes this bastard, who is not more than seventy years old, is that it sits on a huge oil and financial reserve that it does not know how to spend, because it is managed with a mentality that has transcended time and dates back to eras that have passed and whose time has passed.

Its first sheikh, responsible for its administration, “Mohamed bin Zayed,” disposes of its money and politics as he wants. There are no institutions to govern it, nor oversight and legislative bodies to monitor spending and disbursements in it. A ruling system like this could easily fall prey to global intelligence services, which is what actually happened, so this statelet became managed by before American, Zionist and Western intelligence.

Years of work by the intelligence services in this country resulted in its transformation into a den of global intelligence in which intrigues, conspiracies, coups and assassinations are hatched in the Arab, Asian and even African regions. The Western and Zionist intelligence services were able to transform the citizens of this country into living entities that live their reality in their country in alienation and alienation from their Arab and regional surroundings, and do not think about what the sheikhs are doing to the politics of this country.

Currently, America and European countries are seeking to present the Emirates as a large country, giving it the right to host international conferences and seminars, such as the global climate conference currently being held in Abu Dhabi, which exceeds the Emirates by vast distances, as a major international conference that discusses the climate issue on the globe.

The harm of this rogue state has reached many Arab and Islamic countries, most notably what it did to Yemen, the destruction and theft of antiquities and oil and gas wealth it caused, the rare trees it bulldozed from the Socotra archipelago, and its relentless efforts to strike Yemeni unity and restore fragmentation by encouraging armed separatist militias that serve its colonialism project in Yemen.

The UAE is a country that undertakes actions and matters that are much larger than its size. The most accurate description of this is what an Algerian political analyst said, which is that the UAE is a country with an area of two square inches, a population of two people, and a history of two lines.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300