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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Boycott is an essential part of battle with Zionist enemy & is enough to exhaust it economically
Boycott is an essential part of battle with Zionist enemy & is enough to exhaust it economically
Boycott is an essential part of battle with Zionist enemy & is enough to exhaust it economically
[Sat, 02 Dec 2023 09:05:02 +0300]

SANA'A December 02. 2023 (Saba) - Within the framework of the comprehensive battle that the nation is waging with the US Zionist enemy, including the economic one, the government in Sanaa adopted practical steps and measures to boycott American goods and merchandise and the products of companies that support the Zionist entity as a strategic weapon that would exhaust the enemy economically.

These important movements and measures adopted by Sana’a on the economic side came in conjunction with its practical movements on the military side and Yemen’s official involvement in the battle of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” to support the brotherly Palestinian people and their valiant resistance in the face of the Zionist-American aggression, and to defend the sanctities of the nation and its primary cause, Palestine, which had a profound impact on the Zionist-American aggression against Gaza.

Pursuant to the directives of the Leader of the Revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the Supreme Political Council, the caretaker government announced deliberate measures for the boycott and economic war with the enemies of the nation, which included announcing the names of the goods and products that should be boycotted and intensifying field awareness campaigns among society, markets, and shops to introduce these products and the importance of the boycott weapon to exhaust the enemy economically.

The Caretaker Ministry of Industry and Trade issued important decisions that included banning the products of all American companies and other companies supporting the Zionist entity, in addition to canceling all agencies and trademarks of those companies.

The decisions, which came within the framework of the honorable and courageous historical stance of the Yemeni people and their free leadership in supporting and defending the Palestinian people, included dozens of agencies and brands in the fields of food, beverages, equipment, cars, cosmetics, and disinfectants.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, any activity, and the entry of any products or items to agencies and brands supporting the Zionist entity and all companies linked to its economy, will be prohibited, and coordination and cooperation with merchants and the Yemeni private sector will be made to make the boycott campaign a success and provide alternative goods and products.

Because the Yemeni people are distinguished from other peoples by their awareness, faith identity, morals, values, and authentic and rooted affiliation to Arabism and Islam, the official moves to activate the boycott weapon received an unparalleled popular response from all groups and segments of society, including merchants and owners of commercial agencies those who prioritized the public interest over other personal gains and considered this the least religious, moral and humanitarian duty to support the Palestinian brothers in light of the violations, war crimes and genocide they are subjected to by the Zionists.

Everyone has become aware that continuing to buy and consume the products of these companies and countries provides them with a lot of economic returns to finance their wars against Muslims and to harness a large part of them to buy weapons and ammunition that they direct to the chests of the people of the nation, as happened in Yemen and is happening in Palestine, and therefore the purchase of those products and goods It is an actual participation in the war against Muslims and the brutal massacres committed by the enemies of humanity in Gaza and other countries.

It is no longer possible for the brave Muslim people of Yemen and other free peoples to accept any commodity or product of any company that has a connection to the American or Israeli side and other infidel states that are waging a declared war against Islam, Muslims and the sanctities of the nation, especially after the American Zionist aggression against Gaza, the criminality, brutality, dehumanization, hostility and hatred towards Muslims and the overwhelming desire to kill them and get rid of them.

It is also no longer possible for the free people of the nation, at the forefront of which are the authentic Yemeni people and their free leadership, to remain silent about the war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionists and Americans against the Palestinians, the likes of which have never occurred before in the history of wars. In fact, they surpassed even Nazism and fascism with the holocausts of death and liquidation they committed which affected tens of thousands of children, women and civilians inside hospitals, schools, places of displacement, residential neighborhoods and even public streets in the Gaza Strip, coinciding with the cutting off of food and medicine supplies and petroleum derivatives to two million people for several weeks in an effort to kill the largest number of them either by bombing, hunger or widespread diseases as a result of aggression, siege and other means of murder and terrorism.

Therefore, the weapon of boycotting the products of the nation’s worst enemies is considered the correct position and the effective, effective and available weapon upon which all Arab and Islamic countries and peoples must unite in order to regain their prestige and impose their respect on others, especially those peoples whose ruling regimes prevent them from demonstrating and expressing support for the Palestinian people and the nation’s issues.

In one of his speeches, the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, points out that the nation has in its hands many effective means that will have the greatest impact on the nation’s enemies, America and Israel, including a collective boycott of goods and products belonging to those countries that consider money and material as their goal and the most important thing for them, stressing that if the Islamic nation were united in this position alone, these countries would be brought to their knees and would be forced to retreat and stop their aggression and continued abuse of Muslims and their sanctities.

What confirms this proposition is that the Islamic nation has today become the largest consumer market in the world. The producing countries depend on it to a large extent in marketing their goods, and if they refrain from buying Western products, especially American ones, and other products of European companies that support the Zionist entity, the result will be disastrous for these countries.

The Yemenis, at both the official and popular levels, are keen for the boycott to be a societal culture and way of life and to continue in the long term because it cannot achieve any results in the short term. Boycotting these products also results in a shift towards national products and the strengthening of local production, in addition to being an equally important weapon in military confrontation with the enemy.

The economic boycott of products that support the Zionist entity stems from the conviction of the Yemeni people and other free peoples of their importance and their great impact in exhausting the countries that support the Zionist entity economically, and thus they retreated from their decisions and positions and reviewed all their accounts in this aspect.

Many economic experts emphasize the effectiveness of the boycott weapon because it touches the nerve of the conspirators, but what is more important from their point of view is to focus on the most important and largest companies, and cut off the economic interests of large companies, which are easy to draw people’s attention to through pictures and advertisements, because of this quick and direct effect.

In turn, scholars at the level of Yemen and the countries of the Axis of Resistance called on all parties concerned with importing to boycott the goods of American and Western companies that support the Zionist occupation, considering the supply, purchase and consumption of these goods as cooperation and participation in sin and aggression against the Palestinian people, the nation and its sanctities.

They stressed the importance of showing determination and patience so that everyone can see the change that the economic boycott will bring about and the harm it will cause to the Zionist entity, and to its sources of funding for making and purchasing weapons with which it kills and enslaves peoples.

In addition to the weapon of boycott of American goods and products and companies that support the Zionist entity, Yemen strengthened its economic war against the Zionist enemy by preventing Israeli ships from crossing the Bab al-Mandab and the Red Sea, thus constituting an additional threat and pressure that confused the Zionist enemy because of its dangerous consequences on its economy, and ending its presence and control over one of the most important sea ports and shipping lanes that have continued over the past decades with the help of their clients in the region.

The Yemeni movements in the Red Sea foiled all the plans carried out by the Zionist-American enemy over the past periods to control Bab al-Mandab and the important waterways in the region, for which it recruited the regimes of the countries subject to it, including the previous regimes in Yemen, which made many concessions that deprived the country of its right in managing its territorial waters and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, it enabled the Zionist enemy to move its ships in the region freely.

Also, one of the most important goals of the aggression launched by the arms of America and Israel in the region against Yemen in the year 2015 AD was to control Bab al-Mandab and the western coast of the country with US-Zionist participation and support, which ended in abject failure after the victory of the free will of the Yemeni people over the agents of the aggression coalition, leading to the announcement of the revolutionary leadership to expand the options of the Yemeni people to support and support the Palestinian people by following and monitoring the movements of Israeli ships in the Red Sea and persecuting them.

Because what comes after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation will not be the same as before it, the Yemenis are moving forward to fight the battle of holy jihad alongside the Palestinian people and the movements of the axis of resistance to confront the Zionist aggression and occupation, using all available options, means and cards, including the economic boycott of American goods and products and companies that support the Zionists as an available option and has a great impact on enemies.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300