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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Press conference reviews repercussions of converting fish landing centers into military barracks for aggression forces
Press conference reviews repercussions of converting fish landing centers into military barracks for aggression forces
Press conference reviews repercussions of converting fish landing centers into military barracks for aggression forces
[Wed, 25 Jan 2023 19:30:21 +0300]

SANA'A January 25.2023 (Saba) - The Ministry of Fisheries and the General Authority for Fisheries in the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday organized a press conference to review the repercussions of converting fish landing centers into military barracks belonging to the aggression forces.

At the conference, Governor of Hadramout province Luqman Paras and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Fisheries for the Investment and Research Sector, Mustafa Hataba, confirmed that the fisheries sector in Yemen has recently become a major target for the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression forces.

They explained that this comes to prepare more of the Yemeni geography and secure it to receive and reposition military units belonging to the Zionist entity to reach its strategic goals to tighten control over the line of trade and international navigation along the Arabian Sea, Bab al-Mandab and the Red Sea.

Baras and Hatabah urged everyone to mobilize and stand together in the face of the enemy, whose plots and barbaric actions against the Yemeni people were exposed.

They indicated that the losses incurred by the fish sector in the Red Sea as a result of the systematic bombing and destruction since the start of the aggression on Yemen amounted to 12,649,872,000 dollars, distributed as 9,451,163,000 dollars in infrastructure losses, and 6,270,117,000 dollars in losses in fishing boats and equipment.

The continuation of the aggression and blockade, and the imposition of restrictions on the Yemeni people, has caused huge losses, including 3,610,065,000 dollars as a result of stopping fish production, 1,994,852,000 dollars in losses from stopping fish investment projects, and 3,675,000,000 dollars in losses in fish stocks as a result of illegal fishing of foreign fishing vessels.

The losses of commercial and service activities, businesses, and services related to the fish sector amounted to 27,789,000 dollars, while losses related to revenues from fish exports amounted to 5,552,000 dollars, in addition to the environmental impact assessment losses amounting to 2,940,000,000 dollars.

Baras and Hatabah also reviewed the violations committed by the aggression against Yemeni fishermen, in the Red Sea, over eight years of aggression, which included the targeting of 53 areas by air raids and bombing, which left 273 dead and 214 wounded.

They explained that the aggression forces' bombing caused the destruction of 295 fishing boats, including 225 boats for fishermen in Hodeida province and 70 boats in Midi district of Hajjah province, as well as 150 means of transporting fish, in addition to the violations affected fishermen while they were practicing the fishing profession on the coasts of the Red Sea by kidnapping 2,054 fishermen and confiscating 173 boats.

A statement issued by the press conference confirmed that the UAE’s plundering of fish wealth in the regional waters, preventing fishermen from fishing on the Yemeni coasts in Mahrah, Lahj, Hadramout, and Socotra, and converting their fish landing center in Khanfar area into a military barracks belonging to the American and British forces reveals the size of the scheme being implemented by the UAE and the truth of the Zionist colonial project.

"While we condemn the continued attacks and violations against Yemeni fishermen, we realize that the UAE not only attacks our Yemeni shores and islands or fish landing centers, but also undermines the foundations of peace and its endeavors in Yemen and the initiatives aimed at achieving this," the statement said.

The statement held the aggression forces fully responsible for the consequences resulting from the violations against fishermen and fish landing centers, and the repercussions of targeting the international and regional maritime security system in the Indian Ocean, the Arabian and Red Seas, and striking the stability of global trade.

It called on the people of Yemen to unite the ranks to defeat the Zionist and Emirati forces from southern Yemen as a whole and the islands and coasts in particular, in a way that preserves the nation's unity and dignity.

The statement stressed that "the territorial waters battle does not differ from any other battle raging in any part of the Yemeni land, and that no free Yemeni can be complacent or give up any inch of it, regardless of the sacrifices."


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300