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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Abdollahian reaffirms Tehran's support for ceasefire, lifting of full blockade of Yemen
Abdollahian reaffirms Tehran's support for ceasefire, lifting of full blockade of Yemen
Abdollahian reaffirms Tehran's support for ceasefire, lifting of full blockade of Yemen
[Wed, 15 Jun 2022 11:17:27 +0300]

TEHRAN, June 15 (Saba) - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian reiterated his country's support for the ceasefire resolution and called for the lifting of the entire blockade of Yemen, as well as its support for the Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue.

Abdollahian made the announcement at a joint press conference Tuesday with Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who is currently visiting Tehran. According to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

With regard to the Palestinian issue. Abdollahian noted that Iran demands the formation of a unified state in Palestine and calls on Islamic countries to be cohesive in the face of the Zionist entity's aggressive moves aimed at the security of the Muslim world.

With regard to the Iranian issue. "Iran, in the context of a good and strong agreement, will not abandon the approach of diplomacy and negotiations," Abdollahian said.

"Iran has never escaped from the negotiating table, believing that dialogue and diplomacy are the best way to resolve the final outcome of the agreement." He also said.

"We have taken important steps in recent months through discussions between Bagheri, Mora, and the 4+1 countries in Vienna. "There has also been an exchange of messages between Iran and America, and we have demonstrated that we support negotiation, logic, and a good, strong, and sustainable agreement."

"Last Thursday, despite all the messages exchanged, the U.S. side continued to put pressure on Iran and get concessions during indirect negotiations, and submitted a draft resolution (to the Board of Governors), while we put forward a good political package, but the American side was determined to get the resolution."

In response to this resolution, Iran has strengthened its nuclear activities, he said. "We will not evade negotiations, and in this context we will continue to pursue a diplomatic approach, exchanging messages through Mora and Burrell. In the context of a 'good, strong and sustainable agreement', Iran will not abandon diplomacy and negotiations.

With regard to the Pakistanian issue.Abdollahian praised the deep and long-standing relations between Iran and Pakistan as two major countries in the Muslim world. Stressing that these bonds have always been a source of hope. "The new Iranian government is determined to expand these relations. He added.

Despite the unilateral US embargo, there are mechanisms that can be used internationally with our aspirations to continue to cooperate in the best possible way between the two countries, the foreign minister said.

On regional issues, Abdollahian said, "We are opposed to the war in Ukraine and we want to make efforts with Russia and Ukraine to resolve this crisis." "We also hope to form a comprehensive Afghan government to root out the crisis and for this country to move towards peace and stability."


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300