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  Revolution Leader
Speech Revolution Leader on latest developments in Israeli aggression on Gaza & Lebanon
Speech Revolution Leader on latest developments in Israeli aggression on Gaza & Lebanon
Speech Revolution Leader on latest developments in Israeli aggression on Gaza & Lebanon
[Thu, 21 Nov 2024 20:11:36 +0300]

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.

O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.

Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Our talk in this speech on the latest developments and updates concerning the brutal, criminal, and savage Israeli aggression on Gaza and Lebanon comes within the context of the annual anniversary of Martyr's Day, which will be concluded tomorrow, Allah willing. This occasion is deeply connected to the position of our dear people, who support the Palestinian people in Gaza, the mujahidin in Gaza, the Lebanese people, and the mujahidin of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Since the very first day, the martyrs of our march and our people have upheld the cause of the Ummah, the Quranic position, and the true Quranic approach towards the responsibility of the Ummah in confronting its enemies, in addressing the dangers that threaten it, and in resolving the causes of its weakness and frailty. This has been a defining characteristic of our Quranic march since its inception.

The annual anniversary of Martyr's Day is one of the significant occasions observed by our dear people. It is sacred in its essence and aims and brings blessings and positive impacts, for this occasion has aims that it seeks to achieve:

It is common in the reality of nations of various religions, orientations, cultures, traditions, customs, and norms to glorify the sacrifices of those who sacrifice their lives in service of important causes within those nations, such as the cause of liberation, freedom from enemy control, or repelling the evil of enemies, as well as causes of human and ethical value. This is a natural instinct in human reality. Therefore, they glorify them, immortalise them, and present them in the educational, cultural, and media spheres as an inspiring role model to motivate and encourage others.

However, the status of martyrs in the cause of Allah (Glory be to Him) and the value of martyrdom are high and noble, surpassing any other sacrifice or offering under any title. It is unique due to its sanctity, as it is Allah (Glory be to Him) Who has raised the rank of the martyrs in His cause, elevated their position, and honoured them with a special honour. Therefore, what Allah grants the martyrs exceeds everything that people can offer to them, in terms of glorification, praise, appreciation, and beyond: What people offer is nothing compared to what Allah (the Almighty) has granted and provided for them. In fact, people offer what is within their power, based on their level of estimations, views, and understanding of issues and matters, along with their position towards them; what they offer is also limited to what they can offer. As for Allah, His criterion regarding bestowing honour and granting reward is based on truth and justice. Additionally, Allah (the Almighty) is the Self-Sufficient, the Generous, the Great, and the Majestic, Who possesses all goodness. He is the One Who has elevated the martyrs' status, raised their ranks, and honoured them with special honour, as clearly stated in the blessed verses. He granted them eternity in bliss and honour, a happy life, and an exceptional position that distinguishes them from others who have departed from this world. Allah has said about this world, {'Everyone upon it [the earth] will perish'}[Ar-Rahman 55:26].

The inevitable fate for all human beings is death and demise. This is why Allah (the Almighty) said in the Holy Quran, addressing the Seal of His Prophets and Master of His Messengers, Muhammad (PBUH&F), {'And We did not grant eternity [on the earth] to any man before you; so if you die, would they be eternal? Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us, you will be returned'}[Al-Anbya 21:34-35]. Thus, in the reality of people, thousands of people die every day. Those who die every day from various countries, peoples, and nations are thousands, and they fall under different ages and groups, including young and old people, rich and poor individuals, and people with status and power and others—all kinds of people. Every single day, there are thousands of people departing from this world, and those who live long lives become decrepit and frail, gradually losing their strength until they eventually die. There is no other option in this life that can guarantee people continued presence in this world, everlasting life in this world, and safety from demise, death, and departure from this life. So if a person makes any choice, takes any decision, or follows any path, this will not grant him safety or salvation from departing this life. That is because it is an inevitable matter in the reality of all humans, and indeed, even the entire worldly life has an appointed end.

People have their appointed times, and they depart from this life generation after another. In general, their existence in this world is for a limited duration. There will come a day when this duration ends, and the Day of Resurrection will occur. Before the resurrection of people, that day will come with annihilation, death, and destruction: Those who will be living in that phase that marks the end of history and human existence will experience their annihilation with the great cry, which is used in the Holy Quran to indicate the inevitable end of human existence on this earth by the great destructive earthquake. This marks the definitive end of this life, paving the way for the afterlife.

Therefore, due to their intense desire to remain in this life, some people may make wrong choices and decisions and take wrong, misguided paths, ultimately jeopardising their important, significant eternal future in the Hereafter. This future is one without end; it is a state of eternal existence where good and evil are completely pure and at the highest level.

Martyrdom in the cause of Allah is also a great victory. Since it is inevitable to depart from this life, to experience annihilation in this world, and to depart from this life, martyrdom in the cause of Allah represents a significant triumph, a true gain, and a conscious investment in what must ultimately happen to every person: the departure from this life. Martyrs have made a tremendous and important investment of this departure and have benefited from it. The merit that Allah has granted to martyrs as reward for martyrdom is to have a life of special honour, as well as immense, genuine bliss and happiness. This is clearly evident in the verses of Allah in the Holy Quran. Indeed, Allah (Glory be to Him) says, {'Never think of those killed in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for, rejoicing in Allah’s bounties and being delighted for those yet to join them. There will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. They are joyful for receiving Allah’s grace and bounty, and that Allah does not deny the reward of the believers'}[Ali 'Imran 3:169-171].

These blessed verses clarify that there is indeed a special merit for martyrdom and martyrs: They depart from this life to an eternal and happy life, hosted and honoured by Allah, the Almighty. This is an honour on the one hand and a great triumph on the other; this is because, with Allah's immense grace, no one ever loses in the slightest. In terms of material giving, spending in the cause of Allah is multiplied by seven hundred. In terms of giving oneself and sacrificing this worldly life, Allah (Glory be to Him) rewards you for that, compensates you for it, and grants you a happy, great, elevated, and serene life, where you live in complete happiness (free from any distress) and in a state of joy, glad tidings, and constant delight: There is nothing to spoil that life for you, and there is no distress to harm or annoy you.

The blessed verses are completely clear; they speak of a special merit for the martyrs, which is also emphasised by His saying, {'And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah, "They are dead." Rather, they are alive, but you do not perceive [it]'}[Al-Baqarah 2:154].

Despite this clarity and clarification, some people do not grasp this plain truth as it is, even though Allah has clarified it in His clear verses—{'Never think …'} and also {'Do not say …'}. These verses are sufficient for us to change our perspective and to recognise this distinguishing merit of martyrdom and martyrs as a reality.

What is the purpose of this great moral and material honour and this lofty status, as this also reflects a high status and rank with Allah, the Almighty? All of this indicates the importance and virtue of jihad in the cause of Allah. That is because when Allah grants this immense reward to those who are killed in His cause, it encourages many people who do not engage in jihad for fear of being killed. In fact, fear of death is among the most significant obstacles that hinder many people from taking action.

Many people are held back by their desire to remain in life and their fear of death. Hence, when Allah (Glory be to Him) offers this reward and great honour, He addresses the biggest psychological obstacle faced by many people. Consequently, when a person understands, trusts, and believes that martyrdom in the cause of Allah leads to this immense bliss and great honour, this encourages him to take action as he yearns for that magnificent life, which is more pleasant, happier, and more elevated than this one.

Jihad in the cause of Allah is an essential necessity for establishing values of truth, goodness, justice, and mercy and for countering wicked people and their evil so that the human arena does not remain open to them and their wrongdoing without confrontation. That is because their dominance poses a real threat to human society in every aspect: its security, stability, life, and humanity, as they corrupt and oppress people and disrupt people's lives, and their evil is very terrible to people.

As for Allah (Glory be to Him), He is Self-Sufficient and does not stand in need of anyone, including the mujahidin, or any good deeds, including jihad: {'Whoever does good, it is to his own benefit'}[Fussilat 41:46]; {'And whoever strives [in Allah’s cause] only does so for his own good'}[Al-'Ankabut 29:6]. Even the values and teachings that Allah has presented to His servants are for their benefit in this life. The values of truth, justice, mercy, and goodness are for the benefit of people and contribute to the stability and welfare of their lives. On the other hand, if these values and this obligation (which makes the side of truth, justice, and goodness in a position of strength and protection for society and enables society to be in a state of strength, honour, and protection) are disregarded, then the alternative is wicked people with their evil, criminality, aggression, oppression, and tyranny. Therefore, Allah has made clear the significant difference between two sides in the Holy Quran:

He (Glory be to Him) has said in the Holy Quran, {'And among mankind is he whose speech pleases you on the life of this world, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is most fierce in enmity. And when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and progeny. And Allah does not like corruption. And when it is said to him, "Fear Allah," pride in the sin takes hold of him. Sufficient for him is Jahannam, and how wretched is the resting place. And among mankind is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Ever Gracious to [His] servants'}[Al-Baqarah 2:204-207].

This indicates how, indeed, these blessed verses are interconnected so as to present two examples, both of whom are from people and both represent an extension within human society in every era and generation. Therefore, the matter is realistic: {'among mankind'}. This is not confined to a specific time or age, nor even to, for example, a particular group of people. This wicked example that embodies wickedness, criminality, aggression, injustice, and corruption at an extremely high level represents a real phenomenon that extends across eras and poses a threat to humanity in every age.

The example embodying evil, criminality, darkness, and corruption is characterised by traits that Allah (the Almighty) has clearly outlined. It is an example that employs attractive slogans solely for deception and presents people with deceptive, attractive slogans that they find appealing. This is why many of them may reach a point where they become deceived by this example despite its inherent wickedness, representing a wicked, unjust, and corrupt group. In fact, they are deceived by these dazzling, attractive slogans, which are used solely for deception; meanwhile, the practical and actual approach of this example is entirely at odds with even these slogans and their true meanings. The enemy (this group of evil and criminality) uses these slogans, though having other purposes, merely to deceive people, trying to lead them to other things, as well.

Among the most prominent and evident examples that fully embody these characteristics today—both in terms of speech and action, as well as behaviour and methods—is the Western example, led by America and Israel, as well as those aligned with them, including the followers of Zionism and others who share the same orientation. {'Whose speech pleases you'}—although this Ummah belongs to Islam and is blessed by Allah with the Holy Quran, which is sufficient to allow it to have the highest levels of awareness and insight and ensures that it is not deceived by any groups of misguidance, we really find many members of it (not in other societies), including its elites, intellectuals, academics, and politicians deeply captivated by the dazzling and misleading slogans introduced by the West (America, Britain, France, and Germany) and the followers of the brutal and criminal Zionism proclaim, such as freedom, human rights, civilisation, prosperity, welfare, development, peace, and animal rights—not just human rights! The list goes on with slogans that they repeat day and night and advertise. Those who are captivated by them and their rhetoric promote such slogans at the theoretical level, presenting them in intellectual, cultural, and media contexts, as well as through media promotion and other ways.

Moreover, some follow the Western school in order to become its promoters and admirers of its figures who for example guise under the banner of intellectualism as thinkers and cultural icons. Others devote themselves to promoting what they say. This also applies to women: They speak about women's rights day and night, across many countries. In fact, they use this slogan to infiltrate numerous nations, and some women, like many men, fall victims to that deception and become impressed by what they say. Some even become recruited due to these slogans.

As for those who are impressed by what the West (America, Israel, and Western nations) and the followers of Zionism say, they completely forget that those who speak with such dazzling slogans are the ones whose actions, history, behaviours, policies, and orientations reflect extreme criminality, brutality, tyranny, and corruption that takes place on the earth and targets human society, as well as a departure from the innate human values and morals instilled by Allah in humans distinguishing them from animals. They forget all of that, and they also forget that the historical record of these countries (America, Britain, France, and Germany) is an extremely enormous, shocking, catastrophic, and horrific criminal record. It is as if you read something far worse than what you may read about the wild: hyenas, wolves, and foxes. You find them exhibit levels of savagery surpassing even the most ferocious creatures of the forests. The criminal record of each of these countries is one of massacring millions of people through the most horrific methods of extermination, targeting every group of society: men and women. And they do not acknowledge rights for men, women, or children, nor for the elderly or the young.

How was America founded from its first day? The American entity was founded on criminality through the extermination of the Red Indians, the original inhabitants of the land that was later named America and upon which the United States was founded. Millions of people (children and women, the elderly and the young) were annihilated by the oppressive colonialists (European invaders), who headed to that region to occupy it, take control of it, and wipe its inhabitants from existence. Anyone who reads about the criminal acts committed to exterminate the Red Indians is bound to be astonished and shocked at how anyone with even a trace of humanity could behave with such brutality, criminality, tyranny, and aggression! Nonetheless, this is exactly what happened.

Despite all that, as you can read about their history, the Americans never stop speaking about peace day and night. It is perhaps that no one in the world speaks about it as much as they do, along with discussing human rights and prosperity of nations, among other things. However, they were the ones who wiped out hundreds of thousands of people in Japan within minutes, using prohibited nuclear bombs for the purpose of mass extermination and obliteration of entire cities from the face of the earth, with all their inhabitants: children and women, the elderly and the young. This is not to mention the atrocities they committed in Vietnam, burning hundreds of thousands of people with fire, using means, weapons, and bombs to burn and exterminate them in various methods of killing. Moreover, they are the ones who did what they did in the Islamic world, including in Iraq, where they unjustly and aggressively exterminated hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Muslim people. In Afghanistan as well, they killed hundreds of thousands of Afghan Muslim people. Indeed, they committed crimes all over the world. Their criminal record is very extensive and unparalleled. Thus, they are a key partner with the Zionist Israeli Jewish criminals in all the crimes they have been committing in Palestine for decades against the oppressed Palestinian people and against neighbouring Arab countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

This is also the case with the other partner:

Therefore, in the context of the matches that took place in France this week, the French president and even former French presidents, along with the French police, attended the match to personally protect the Zionists who came to France to participate in the matches. This was also because people and societies, including many people of French society, are upset with the Zionists. Indeed, the French presidents and the police were concerned that there might be chants expressing anger with Zionist criminality against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and with the actions of the Israeli enemy against the Lebanese people. The intensity of their concern has reached the point where the French presidents, both the current president and his predecessors, attended to personally protect the Zionists and Jews and to sacrifice themselves for them, showing this level of concern!

In their brutal and criminal orientation under the banner of Zionism against our Islamic Ummah—against the peoples of our Ummah, especially the Palestinian people, who are suffering a tragedy that is unparalleled all over the world, and the Lebanese people— the forces of evil are driven by doctrine, by a vision, by a particular mentality. It is not merely a reaction to provocations here or there. That is why a person becomes surprised and shocked when noticing that some politicians, some Arab officials, and some media figures speak about the mujahidin in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon, or the Resistance Axis as if they were the ones who provoked the Israeli enemy and America and as if they were the cause of the problem of the current situation. The same is true when they speak about the Islamic Republic of Iran, claiming that Iran is the problem behind the current events!

This happened before the emergence of these jihadist movements in Palestine and Lebanon; America, Britain, and Europe moved to support Zionism as a project they believed in. It is an aggressive and destructive project targeting the entire Islamic Ummah, with particular focus on the strategically significant geographical area of this region, including Palestine and the rest of the Levant: Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan—Zionists keep frequently talking about Jordan. It also encompasses Egypt, vast parts of Saudi Arabia, and part of Iraq—this involves direct control and occupation. Actually, it encompasses the entire region, which is referred to as the Middle East by both the Americans and the Israelis. They seek to change the face of the Middle East and control it. In other words, they target the entire region, seeking to dominate all its peoples and control everyone in a way that serves American and Israeli interests, which are aggressive and destructive and represent absolute evil against our Ummah and its peoples.

Therefore, the matter is not simply a reaction from them due to being provoked by a word or an issue here or there. From the outset, they initiated aggression against our Ummah, seeking to occupy these lands and target these peoples and having a position against this Ummah in terms of its religion, civilisational and independent existence, and so on. This is a clear matter.

Due to the fact that it is an aggressive, criminal, and corrupt orientation that seeks to corrupt everything—as it targets people to corrupt their lives in every aspect (morally, ethically, politically, economically, socially, etc.) and as it represents an unjust orientation (one that wrongs people, devastates them, and embraces enmity in its most fierce forms) and is thoroughly dark in its vision, purpose, way of thinking, and culture—this orientation has no regard for any values, morals, or other considerations:{'And when it is said to him, "Fear Allah," pride in the sin takes hold of him'}[Al-Baqarah 2:206]. It is the kind of orientation that rejects to change course out of fear and reverence of Allah or when being threatened with Allah and His punishment or reminded of Allah. What, then, can be expected regarding any other considerations? Is it possible that those with such an orientation would refrain due to a statement from the United Nations, a declaration from an organisation here or there, or demands and appeals that may be issued by institutions or entities? They disregard all of that and even become more obstinate—{'Pride in the sin takes hold of him.'} They escalate their criminal behaviour, and so does their reaction: They meet any statement by the United Nations with perpetrating even greater crimes to assert their defiance, arrogance, and indifference. In fact, as they do not hold religious values in regard, then it is even more likely that they disregard other values.

At the same time, as we have seen with certain international organisations such as the Security Council, they are among those who established these organisations. From the outset, they established these organisations, programmed them, and structured them to serve their aggressive, criminal, exploitative, and authoritarian agenda. This agenda is one of tyranny, criminality, occupation, control, and domination and aims to plunder nations' wealth, as well as to control and exploit their wealth. For this reason, they granted themselves the so-called veto power of refusal. Just yesterday, when the Security Council convened to issue a resolution calling for an end to the genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip—an end to the killing of children and women in Gaza—the Americans used their veto power to object and nullify the resolution as it aims to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people. This kind of resolutions is unacceptable to the Americans because their approach is inherently aggressive, criminal, and barbaric. Their direction is one of extermination, particularly targeting Arabs and Muslims. Thus, appeals, demands, or empty summits (where leaders gather to issue statements that are written down and then forgotten, followed by each returning to their palaces as if nothing happened) are futile and of no use.

You can see the brutality of the Israeli enemy as it recklessly sheds blood, deliberately seeking to exterminate children, women, and residents. It focuses on hospitals as primary targets, treating them as if they were massive military bases: It declares them objectives for its criminal military campaigns and then attacks them. It perpetrates collective massacres to exterminate as many children, women, and residents as possible. The Israeli enemy relies on starvation as a method of extermination. It also prevents delivery of all medicine and medical care. That is because it aims at annihilation by all means: It tortures prisoners (committing the most horrific crimes to target some even with rape and violating honour and dignity), destroys mosques (tearing copies of the Quran apart and burning them), and demolishes bakeries—it targets all essentials of life.

One can see all forms of brutality, criminality, and tyranny evident in its reality. However, such acts are not only Israeli but also American. They are originated in America and Israel and supported by France, Germany, Britain, and the Western world that takes this position due to its allegiance to Zionism.

Approximately 3,865 massacres have been committed over 412 days. The bodies of thousands of children, women, and civilians targeted in their homes, neighbourhoods, and cities are still under the rubble, and the torn, scattered remains mix with the destruction and are on the streets. There are more than two million people starving out of hunger!

This is because the brutal Israeli enemy, in partnership with America, prevents delivery of food for them. And in case a limited, minimal amount of food supplies gets through, the enemy targets them during their gathering around it. The Israeli enemy has gone even further: It has formed gangs to intercept and loot most of it. The Israeli enemy also targets Gaza's governmental administrative system so that it cannot organise the extremely minimal supplies and aid that make their way in, aiming to spread chaos.

It is crucial and necessary for people to attain protection from such threats before anything else. Therefore, right after those verses in which Allah (the Almighty) presented that type of people—who are best represented in this era by the Americans, the Israelis, and those who orbit around them—He immediately gave us a model that serves as a safeguard and a shield for the Ummah, protecting it from the evil of such criminal and corrupting entities. Those characteristics the other side sticks to in their criminal actions and practices are fully manifested in reality: embracing enmity in its most fierce forms and ruining crops and progeny. After that, Allah said, {'And among mankind is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Ever Gracious to [His] servants'}[Al-Baqarah 2:207]. This model stands against those who embody these criminal characteristics and are well-known to us in this era. There are those who confront them, who stand against their evil, and who protect the Ummah from them, as they pose a genuine and real threat to people, which is clear and well-known to the entire world. Indeed, there are those who serve as a safeguard for the Ummah and who provide it with protection and support. They are the great model about which Allah says, {'And among mankind is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Ever Gracious to [His] servants.'}

This should have taken place since the very beginning: If this model had remained present and prevailed among the people of the Ummah, things would not have reached this point. If the efforts to bring the criminal Zionist gangs to occupied Palestine, under British protection and supervision, were soon dealt with by Arabs according to this Quranic and faith approach—{'And among mankind is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah.'}—and through creating and supporting this model, then it would have safeguarded this region as a whole. It would have protected Palestine, the entire Levant, and its immediate surroundings—Egypt, which has suffered tremendous losses from the Israeli enemy, as well as Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. The same applies to the rest of the Arab regions, the Arab peoples, and the Islamic world; we would not have reached the dire situation that exists today.

They acted back then, but it was not a response that rose to the level of responsibility, the challenges, or the dangers at hand, nor was it according to a right vision: Their movements were reactive and momentary, and they would fail and then stop there. They would also move at later stages with short-lived actions that were not well thought out, unsupported, or guided by a right vision, leading them to failure. They lacked a proper foundation, such as this one: {'And among mankind is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Ever Gracious to [His] servants.'} This is why they kept failing.

This demonstrates how important it is to have a jihadist and faith-based foundation, for it provides a very strong and powerful motivation and instils a deep sense of responsibility, insight, awareness, and a high readiness for sacrifice and patience. This is why the Holy Quran presents an elevated model that embodies hope and salvation and serves as a safeguard against the forces of evil and crime, as expressed in this verse: {'And among mankind is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is Ever Gracious to [His] servants.'}

Those who act according to this Quranic foundation embark on a sacred and noble path for the sake of Allah: Their ultimate goal is to attain His pleasure. It is not a material or political goal, nor a goal that is driven by opportunism or the exploitation of peoples. Rather, it is a sacred and great goal that qualifies them for the care, support, and assistance of Allah, and they also act in accordance with divine teachings and great faith-based values. Indeed, they adhere to great moral principles and divine teachings that distinguish their actions. They have a profound motivation and recruited themselves with Allah to protect His servants. They are the ones who defend homelands, honour, property, and the Ummah; they are the true shield and asset of the Ummah. It is they whom the Ummah should rally around, as they work for the benefit of the people in the path of Allah, which is meant to protect the Ummah, rescue the oppressed, and repel the evil of the wicked and criminals. The top ceiling for their contributions is self-sacrifice for the sake of Allah—offering their very souls! Therefore, they are willing to give everything: their effort, money, work, and active engagement. Those who embody this spirit of self- sacrifice for the sake of Allah, who dedicate their lives to Him, will engage in all activities with great effectiveness. Anything less than this level of selfless sacrifice will be offered with open hearts. Therefore, they move with high effectiveness, great patience, steadfastness, and cohesion, and they receive care and support from Allah as promised in the Holy Quran. This high ceiling liberates them from constraints and fears and qualifies the Ummah to face challenges and threats, regardless of their magnitude or the capabilities of its enemies. Those who follow this path are not shackled by fear, terror, or cowardice when it comes to confrontation and facing the consequences of confrontation; they face the enemy ready to sacrifice their lives for Allah.

The Ummah needs this, especially in light of the challenges that have grown to such significant levels due to the passivity and negligence it has shown for a long time, which allowed the enemy to go this far. This is also due to its abandonment of its principles, values, and morals, which also led to its current state. The Ummah needs a Quranic and faith-driven model of jihad that moves with insight and awareness and clearly knows who the enemy is and who the true allies are. The enemies continue to target the Ummah, so other policies or options will not shield the Ummah from their evil. Such policies and options have been tried by Arabs and all failed. There have been numerous initiatives, countless concessions, many summits, and even agreements under American and European sponsorship, yet all of them have failed to provide any real protection for the Ummah.

Now, the Israelis confidently claim that the Americans will also grant them the West Bank and Gaza. The individual chosen by Trump to be his ambassador to the Israeli enemy asserts that he does not believe there is any occupation in Palestine at all! He does not acknowledge the existence of something called the West Bank or Gaza; he only recognises Jewish names! Trump was the one who gifted the occupied Syrian Golan to the Israeli enemy, as if it were part of his inheritance!

The mujahidin from our Ummah (in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen) chose the right, wise, and correct path. The Ummah should support this path, as it is the right choice that can protect the Ummah from loss and depletion. The alternative options are to fall into a state of surrender and loss, to be subjected to exploitation and depletion at the hands of the enemy, and to fight for the Americans, as some do.

Jihad has proved to be a successful choice in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. Despite their very limited capabilities, the effectiveness of the mujahidin has surpassed that of the regular Arab armies: Such armies faced crushing defeats within days, although what they faced was nothing compared to what the mujahidin are facing in Gaza, who are under siege and abandoned by Arabs.

Their cohesion (despite sacrificing martyrs), bravery, and capability to inflict suffering upon the enemy stems from their faith-driven spirit of jihad and their intimacy with Allah. As seen in this week—although we are in the second month of the second year of this non-stop confrontation—the mujahidin from the Qassam Brigades, Al-Quds Brigades, and other resistance factions in Palestine, particularly in Gaza, remain steadfast and continue to inflict suffering upon the enemy. Heroic operations continue to take place, with twenty-four operations carried out by the Qassam Brigades just this week. These are courageous, significant, and honourable operations, with some involving self-sacrificial acts where the mujahidin carry an explosive device to place it on a tank to detonate it. There are also many other direct engagement operations at close range to target the enemy.

The great steadfastness of Hezbollah and the resistance in Lebanon also serves as an honourable model. Since the beginning of Hezbollah's jihadist journey, its performance has been honourable, great, successful, and effective, culminating in major achievements in 2000 and 2006 and in the great achievement it presents today. Here it is standing firm in the face of unprecedented aggression against Lebanon. The mujahidin in Hezbollah are dealing blows to the Israeli enemy, which is suffering daily losses and continuous defeats.

Before Hezbollah emerged, the Israeli enemy invaded Lebanon and reached Beirut in just seven days. However, after the emergence of Hezbollah, despite the current battle in this phase lasting for over two months now (or nearly two months), the Israeli enemy continues to face significant difficulties, encountering fierce resistance from Hezbollah in the frontline villages along the border with occupied Palestine.

Hezbollah has shown great effectiveness. Its mujahidin engage with the Israeli enemy at point-blank range, driving it out and inflicting great suffering upon it. They have also rained down missiles on the usurped lands, which are referred to as settlements, with missile attacks reaching as far as the occupied cities of Jaffa and Haifa. The Israeli enemy is in a state of extreme terror, as millions of Israelis are fleeing to shelters day and night, with sirens wailing almost nonstop. This effectiveness is also attributed to the deeply rooted intimacy with Allah through faith and to the jihadist spirit of the mujahidin.

The difference between the prevailing state among most regimes and rulers—characterised by psychological defeat, despair, and weakness, which led some of them to devote themselves to serving the Americans—and this distinctive spirit and great valour of the mujahidin in Hezbollah and those in Gaza is their jihadist and faith-based orientation.

In Iraq, the Islamic Resistance continues its operations, having carried out eighteen operations this week with significant intensity and effectiveness.

In Yemen (the land of faith, wisdom, and jihad), which has sacrificed tens of thousands of martyrs in its Quranic and faith-based path of jihad—it sacrificed martyrs who were among the best of the Yemeni people and came from various governorates. Among them were virtuous leaders, such as the martyr Saleh Al-Sammad, who moved with a faith-based drive as a soldier and mujahid for the sake of Allah while serving as the president of Yemen. Our dear people have mobilised at various stages since 2004, and they have continually sacrificed martyrs with a strong sense of faith and achieved victories. Yemenis, both the government and the people—with their immense contributions that reflect their spirit of faith and jihad, their high awareness, and their values, morals, and sense of belonging to faith—today stand in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad with a remarkable and distinguished position, challenging America and its warships and fleets in the seas. Yemen challenged them and remained firm and resilient even after declaring their aggression. Indeed, Yemen has not wavered from its position; it has targeted American aircraft carriers that intimidate many nations, regimes, and governments.

America used these carriers to instil fear even in those who compete with and oppose it among international powers. However, Yemen targeted those aircraft carriers, starting with the Eisenhower, which fled from the Red Sea after being targeted, retreating in defeat and disgrace. It is now also fleeing away from the Arabian Sea. According to the announcement of the American navy itself, the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln is also fleeing away after announcing its targeting, as it has become fearful of remaining in the Arabian Sea, leading to the decision to return from where it came and keep fleeing.

Our people continue their operations at sea, preventing Israeli navigation in the Red Sea, the Bab Al-Mandab strait, the Arabian Sea, and all the way to the Indian Ocean and far distances. This week, operations have continued with missile strikes and drone attacks aimed at the occupied territories to target the Israeli enemy, and these operations continue to take place.

In our beloved country—where the Yemeni people weekly take to the streets in millions to express their support for Gaza and Palestine, as well as Lebanon, where we see hundreds of thousands of its men engage in training and mobilisation efforts, where people spend for the sake of Allah despite the difficult circumstances, where people confront the enemies' conspiracies with divine assistance in all areas (the security, economic, and social areas) and constantly seek to build and enhance their military capabilities, achieving remarkable successes in this regard, as evidenced by the reality and acknowledged by the enemies—we continue our operations and public activities. The weekly demonstrations are integrated with all these efforts, movements, activities, positions, and operations. They are part of our jihad for the sake of Allah and this faith-based orientation that gives life and prepares our people to face future dangers and challenges. It increases the strength and resilience of our people—morally, educationally, and practically. It also builds our people, for they respond to Allah, as He says, {'O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered'}[Al-Anfal 8:24].

The weekly demonstrations, which take place with all these activities, signify life, honour, and strength, and they build one spiritually and educationally and prepare him psychologically. They are part of the effort one makes for the sake of Allah and in response to His call and come as part of a comprehensive position by the government and the people. Therefore, we will continue on this path, since the battle continues, and attendance in this type of activity signifies faith, contribution, and jihad, as well as the practical response to Allah, the Almighty. Due to their faith-based drive, it is hoped that our dear people will continue to demonstrate with great interest, diligence, determination, steadfastness, loyalty, and sincerity towards Allah (Glory be to Him), seeking His pleasure and for the sake goodness in this world and the Hereafter.

I call upon our dear people to take to the streets in millions tomorrow, Allah willing, in the capital, Sana'a (in the Sabaeen Square) and in the other governorates and districts, according to the established arrangements.

We ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us all success in seeking what pleases Him, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, be a rewarder to them, heal the wounded among us, set free our captives, and grant us victory. We also ask Him to hasten victory and relief for the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and their dear mujahidin. He is the All-Hearer of prayer.

May Allah hasten victory and relief for all.

Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.


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UPDATED ON :Mon, 13 Jan 2025 19:49:29 +0300