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  US-Saudi Aggression
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UN: Food for distribution in southern Gaza will run out tomorrow
UN: Food for distribution in southern Gaza will run out tomorrow
UN: Food for distribution in southern Gaza will run out tomorrow

GAZA May 11. 2024 (Saba) - The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned on Saturday that food intended for distribution in southern Gaza will run out on Sunday, with the closure of the crossings leading to the southern city of Rafah.

OCHA President Georgios Petropoulos said in a video clip published by the UN office on its account on the "X" platform: "The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is deteriorating due to the closure or insecurity of all crossings leading to Rafah."

He added: "The food intended for distribution in southern Gaza by the World Food Programme and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) will run out tomorrow." He demanded "the immediate entry of aid and fuel."

On Monday, the sixth of May, the Zionist enemy announced the start of a military operation in Rafah, and issued warnings to about 100,000 citizens to forcibly evacuate the east of the city.

On the morning of Tuesday, the seventh of the same month, enemy forces occupied the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing and stopped the flow of aid to the Gaza Strip.

By taking control of the Rafah crossing, the enemy forces have closed the main land crossing through which aid enters and leaves the wounded and sick for treatment outside the Gaza Strip, threatening to exacerbate the humanitarian catastrophe.

Since the beginning of the ground operation launched by the enemy forces on the Gaza Strip on October 27, citizens have been asked to go from the north and center of the Gaza Strip to the south, claiming that they are "safe areas."

In an indefinite toll, the number of martyrs since the start of the Zionist-American aggression on the Gaza Strip on the seventh of last October rose to 34,971, in addition to 78,641 injured, and thousands of victims who are still under the rubble.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Tue, 04 Jun 2024 20:00:56 +0300