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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Eid visits to fronts embody popular alignment with army to defend nation
Eid visits to fronts embody popular alignment with army to defend nation
Eid visits to fronts embody popular alignment with army to defend nation
[Wed, 17 Apr 2024 19:32:58 +0300]

HODEIDA April 17. 2024 (Saba) - Since the first day of Eid al-Fitr, the Yemeni people have been visiting the fronts of the Western Coast in Hodeida province and other fronts to pay their respects to the heroes of the army and security forces.

The Revolutionary Leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and all governmental and societal sectors pay great attention to these fronts, on such occasions, in gratitude for the great sacrifices and heroism made by those stationed there during the battle to confront the forces of aggression and their tools, thwart all their plans, and defend Yemen with all courage and valor.

The revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council and all governmental and social sectors pay great attention to these fronts on such occasions, in recognition of the great sacrifices and heroism made by those stationed in the fronts during the battle against the aggression forces and their tools, thwarting all their plans and defending Yemen with great courage and valor.

Eid visits to fighters reflect, supported by the official and popular momentum, the keenness to share the joy of Eid with various images that show the visitors’ warmth and their pride in greeting the fighters on various fronts of pride and dignity.

Our Eids are our fronts:

The Yemeni people remember the qualitative victories achieved by the army heroes on the West Coast fronts and repel the invaders and occupiers, so their eagerness to meet these stationed fighters increases, especially in Eid occasion, which represent an opportunity to renew the people's loyalty and honor for the fighters.

Eid's preparations begin before the Eid holiday, the official and popular convoys started to prepare in-kind and financial gifts, and field landing programs for civil and military leaders and social figures as soon as the Eid prayer is completed, such visits begin in an atmosphere filled with the joy of meeting the fighters.

The processions of visits, the launch of Eid caravans, and the lining up of visitors in the fields and sites of honor and heroism reflect cohesion, and solidarity in their best way despite the challenges imposed by the aggression.

Appearances of greeting:

There are many forms of greetings and visits to those stationed on the fronts, offering Eid gifts in kind and money, Eid prizes and livestock, and exchanging congratulations with the heroes stationed on the fronts of pride and steadfastness on this religious occasion.

The General Authority for Zakat and many community agencies, institutions and initiatives contribute to supporting the program of visits and honoring the fighters. The Women’s Authority also contributes to preparing nuts and cakes are decorated with expressions of pride in the fighters in the fields of jihad.

Symbolism of steadfastness:

The Eid visits for the fighters in the sites and fronts of defending the homeland reflect the close cohesion between the people and the army, which strengthened steadfastness and contributed to achieving victories in various fields, including the fronts of the West Coast, from which the enemy and its tools were defeated by the steadfastness of its brave soldiers.

Eid visits represent a moral motivation for those stationed in the mountains, plains, deserts, and valleys as well.

Front's visitors are inspired by the meanings of heroism, redemption, and the high morale carried by the brave fighters with their combat readiness to carry out the tasks assigned to them to confront any emergency.

The West Coast fronts, which receive intense Eid visits and great attention from various state leaders from all provinces, represent great importance due to the victories they have witnessed over the forces of aggression and their tools, the achievement of which is due to the fighters' steadfastness and bravery in defending national sovereignty.

In turn, the heroic fighters on the West Coast fronts express their happiness with these visits, through which they sense the keenness of the leadership and the people to share with them the joys of Eid, which increases their steadfastness in confronting enemies, and performing their sacred national and religious duties in defending the homeland and the people and moving forward in achieving victories.

Symbolism of the visit

The Yemeni News Agency (Saba) accompanied the visitors to the West Coast fronts, which coincides with Yemen's heroic stance in supporting the Palestinian people, where it held meetings with the province's leadership and a number of visitors to those fronts.

Hodeida governor Mohammed Qahim expressed his pride to visi the heroes stationed on the coastal fronts who played a major role in confronting enemies and achieving achievements and victories against the aggression and its mercenaries.

He said "Over the past years, the heroes have increased their training, qualifications, and steadfastness in confronting the nation's enemies and the evil trio of America, Britain, and Israel, and deterring their ships and battleships in the Red and Arab Seas, the Gulf of Aden, and Bab al-Mandab."

Governor Qahim pointed out that the heroes of the army were at the level of confidence of the leadership and the people in defending the homeland, and to continue supporting the nation until complete victory was achieved and every inch of the land of Yemen was liberated.

For his part, Hodeida province first deputy Ahmed al-Bishri considered the visit of the stationed fighters on the coastal fronts and all the fronts of the homeland a renewal of the pledge to move forward in defending Yemen and to stand united alongside the heroes of the armed forces until victory is achieved against the aggression.

Al-Bishri explained that the visit of the stationed personnel on the Red Sea guard fronts gains its importance and significance due to the battle that the heroes of the naval forces are waging in confronting the coalition protecting Israeli ships and in support of the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance.

He stressed that the current stage calls for more concerted efforts and action to confront colonial threats and projects. He praised the steadfast position of the people of Hodeida province and Yemen in general in continuing to support the fronts and support the army to confront the enemies of Yemen.

Meanwhile, director of the offices of the Endowments Authority Faisal al-Hatfi and Zakat Authority Mohammed Hazza considered the fighters' participation in the joy of Eid the least duty to strengthen their steadfastness, raise their morale, and emphasize the importance of the national role they play in defending the homeland and confronting its enemies for more than nine years.

resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300