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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
American-British aggression against Hajjah governorate
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Yemenis are unique in commemorating International Al-Quds Day , affirm their adherence to most important & sacred issues of nation
Yemenis are unique in commemorating International Al-Quds Day , affirm their adherence to most important & sacred issues of nation
Yemenis are unique in commemorating International Al-Quds Day , affirm their adherence to most important & sacred issues of nation
[Sun, 14 Apr 2024 10:59:18 +0300]

SANA'A April 14. 2024 (Saba) - With unprecedented crowds of millions, the Yemenis were unique in their mass demonstration on International Al-Quds Day on a large scale, leading the majestic scene of all peoples at Arab and Islamic levels in commemorating this annual occasion linked to the most important and sacred issues of the nation.

In the capital of the Free People, Sana'a, the largest Yemeni flood was formed to represent a new witness to the strength, courage, and aggression of this revolutionary people, the solidity and steadfastness of its heroic stance in supporting the Palestinians.

The Yemenis came out with all these crowds to let the whole world hear that they are a people who reject injustice and do not accept betrayal, humiliation and subservience carried out by some Arab rulers and leaders who are no longer motivated by all those brutal Zionist crimes against children and women in Gaza and the occupied territories, the latest of which is in Al-Shifa Medical Complex.

The widespread popular outburst in all arenas and fields of steadfastness also reaffirmed the connection and adherence of the people of faith and wisdom to the Palestinian cause, out of their belief that the nation cannot be established unless the Islamic lands and sanctities are liberated from the abomination of the Jewish Zionists.

The crowds of people, with such great size and momentum, expressed anger and popular rejection of what the brothers in Gaza were subjected to in terms of massive massacres, a deadly siege, starvation, and the targeting of all their rights to life, most importantly the defense of their stolen land and their violated honor.

The millions of people participating in International Al-Quds Day seemed more enthusiastic than before, chanted loudly that Palestine and the people of Palestine would not be alone as long as blood ran through their veins and arteries.

The Yemeni people felt the importance of commemorating International Al-Quds Day, which falls on the last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan, as it is an extremely important milestone in jihadist mobilization, preparation and readiness to fight the decisive battle to liberate Palestine.

This day is also considered a very important occasion for free peoples to keep the issue and the Islamic sanctities in Palestine present in the conscience of the nation, as well as to expose and thwart the normalization undertaken by some client states with the enemy entity to divert attention from the Palestinian issue, in addition to the opportunity it represents to unify the voice of Muslims. And direct their anger towards the real enemy of the nation.

International Al-Quds Day this year coincided with important events and turning points that the nation is going through, after its primary issue, Palestine, returned to the forefront, thanks to the qualitative development witnessed by the Palestinian resistance operations, which culminated in the implementation of the legendary “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation that confused the Zionist enemy and returned it to square one.

The heroic operations of the resistance continued after that, inflicting heavy losses on the Israeli enemy on all fronts of the fighting, while the missile barrages continued, surprising the Israeli enemy from time to time and enhancing the disappointment of its defeated army.

Perhaps the terrorist practices, atrocities, and violations committed by this rogue entity against the children and women of Palestine, which have never occurred before in the history of wars, are the greatest evidence of the state of despair, confusion, and defeat that befell it as a result of the heroic “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation.

Despite the great stance taken by the Yemeni people and their free leadership, unlike other Arab and Islamic peoples, in supporting the Palestinian people with all the capabilities they possess, which reached the point of imposing a naval blockade on the Zionist enemy and its Western supporters, the Yemeni people and their leadership yearn for something greater and far beyond that.

Millions of Yemenis yearn and wish to have the opportunity and to open paths for them to reach the occupied territories to fight alongside the heroes of the resistance shoulder to shoulder in the battle of the “promised conquest and holy jihad” against the enemies of humanity, the Zionists and the Americans, who have wreaked havoc and devastation on the land of Palestine.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300