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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Continuous efforts made to improve aesthetic appearance of Hodeida
Continuous efforts made to improve aesthetic appearance of Hodeida
Continuous efforts made to improve aesthetic appearance of Hodeida
[Tue, 09 Apr 2024 13:09:52 +0300]

HODEIDA April 09. 2024 (Saba) - Hodeida province is witnessing many field works to improve the aesthetic appearance of the city, its streets and its coasts, within the framework of the local authority’s leadership plan and the interest in implementing the project to improve the city, which was severely damaged as a result of the aggression.

Hodeida is one of the most important tourist destinations in Yemen, as it is visited by thousands of visitors from various provinces, due to its distinguished atmosphere , diversity in tourist nature, and its uniqueness with a number of coasts on the Red Sea.

The city was destroyed and systematically bombed by thousands of raids launched by the aggression coalition, which led to major damage to road infrastructure and the disruption and cessation of services, including water and electricity services, street lighting equipment being out of service, damage to cleaning services , equipment, tourism facilities, and other vital facilities.

The efforts of the leadership of the local authority in Hodeida, during the end of the escalation and the defeat of the aggression militias, directed towards implementing maintenance and repair projects for the damage that affected various sectors in the city of Hodeida, despite the great obstacles , challenges and the scarcity of capabilities in order to normalize life and return it to what it was before.

The local authority crowned its success in confronting the challenges with the completion of qualitative service projects, including road, maintenance and infrastructure rehabilitation projects at a cost of more than 22 billion riyals, some of which focused on addressing the damage to the service sector as a result of being targeted by the aggression and its tools.

In conjunction with the return of life to normal and the demand for visitors that Hodeida city is witnessing, especially in the winter season, the efforts of the province’s leadership have turned to adopting a number of projects to improve the city’s services and its general appearance and paying attention to the Coast Corniche development project.

In parallel with the interest in restoring electricity service and activating the capabilities of the Cleaning and Improvement Fund and supplying it with equipment and machinery, the first phase of the Corniche development project, 536 meters long, was completed at a cost of 593 million riyals with local funding, and work continues in the second phase, 295 meters long, at a cost of 203 million riyals, with support from the Hodeida Fund.

The most prominent indicators of improving the city of Hodeida were the success of the city lighting network implementation project, which included installing all devices, poles, transformers, floodlights, excavation work, completing many maintenance and repair works related to lighting, which included the main streets, parks, vital places, and traffic lines.

In order to enhance these efforts, work continues to rehabilitate the lighting network for the eastern entrance to Hodeida city, extending from kilometer 16 to the city center, with a length of 14 kilometers, with local funding. More than 90 percent of the work of installing street lighting lamps, removing old lamps, digging and extending ground feed cables has been completed. Along the path, instead of the lost ones due to their looting and the damage they sustained as a result of the aggression’s bombing.

In order to embody the improvement project plan and ensure that the appearance of the city is highlighted in a way that befits it, the local authority, through the Cleaning and Improvement Fund, adopted a project to plant approximately 37 thousand trees, inaugurating work on the project four days ago and beginning the planting of more than two thousand plants on the central islands and the sites targeted by the project in the port directorates and the current .

Among the manifestations of interest in improving Hodeida city is the implementation of the rehabilitation project of Al-Aswadi roundabout, the construction of a large model of Qur’an in the roundabout to highlight the authentic faith identity of the Yemeni people, and the implementation of afforestation works in Qur’an roundabout, with the support and implementation of the Cleaning Fund.

The governor of the province, Muhammad Ayyash Qahim, explained that the local authority is paying great attention to the project to improve the city of Hodeida, to develop the city touristically and commercially, within the framework of implementing the directives of the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the head of the Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, to achieve a qualitative shift in the city’s status.

He pointed to the work that has been carried out in repairing and maintaining the lighting network and improving the central islands and the appearance of the city through self-efforts, indicating that the local authority’s plan is based on broad paths to improve the aesthetic appearance of the city and revitalize its services through several projects that are being implemented to keep pace with the tourist demand and commercial activity it is witnessing.

For his part, the Director of the Works Office in the province, Engineer Muhammad Muthanna, explained that the street lighting work at the eastern entrance to Hodeida province, which began at the beginning of last February, is underway according to the timetable specified for the project.

While the Executive Director of the Cleaning Fund in the province, Abdel Nasser Al-Sharif, indicated the completion of the preparation of Al-Aswadi roundabout and the continuation of the work of the central islands afforestation project, pointing out that these works will contribute to improving services and highlighting the aesthetic appearance of the city.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300