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US-UK aggression aircraft launches four raids on Hodeida airport
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  US-Saudi Aggression
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American-Saudi-Emirati aggression crimes in Yemen... forgotten rights & lost justice
American-Saudi-Emirati aggression crimes in Yemen... forgotten rights & lost justice
American-Saudi-Emirati aggression crimes in Yemen... forgotten rights & lost justice
[Tue, 09 Apr 2024 12:56:34 +0300]

SANA'A April 09. 2024 (Saba) - The memories of millions of Yemenis document the terrifying scenes they experienced during nine years of systematic US-Saudi-Emirati aggression , blockade, and the walls of their houses, dilapidated from the bombing, hide the cries of children and women who have no fault other than that they are Yemenis.

For more than three thousand days, the Yemeni people, from all walks of life and from all walks of life, lived through episodes of aggression launched against them on the morning of March 26, 2015, and they woke up to its painful beginning.

The criminals of aggression, led by global hegemony and arrogance forces , and their tools, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, were keen that hours, days, months and years would not pass without them committing a crime or violating a human right in the full view and hearing of the international community, which is rich in international justice.

Intentional killing, torture or inhuman treatment are titles created by the aggression coalition over the past years, through which they intentionally cause severe suffering or serious harm to the body or health, and widespread destruction of property and seizure of it without there being military necessity, justifying this and in violation of international law and human rights law in a frivolous manner.

Forcing any prisoner of war or any other protected person to serve in the ranks of the forces of a hostile state, and deliberately depriving any prisoner of war or any other protected person of his right to be tried in a fair and regular trial.

However, the aggression coalition and its tools crossed the walls and violated all borders without supervision.

Deportation, transfer, or unlawful imprisonment, directing attacks against the civilian population or against civilian individuals, or intentionally directing attacks against civilian sites, are prominent headlines of crimes that the people of Yemen have lived through in all their chapters during the past nine years and have been searching for international justice lost among the rubble left behind by the American-Saudi- Emirati aggression.

The Yemenis wonder, is there still a right that the coalition has not violated all those years ago, and the American-Saudi-Emirati blockade still has not been lifted from Yemeni airports, ports, and outlets, and the people of Yemen are experiencing difficult suffering and exceptional, unparalleled challenges.

The Ministry of Human Rights prepared a ninth report for the Republic of Yemen entitled “Aggression and Siege... Serious International Crimes... Missing International Justice,” from March 2015 until March 2024, summarizing the humanitarian situation and the suffering that the Yemeni people have endured over a period of nine years.

The report highlighted the effects and repercussions left by the American-Saudi-Emirati coalition that led to the deterioration of Yemeni human rights, which has become 100 percent catastrophic, most notably the deterioration of conditions and the destruction of infrastructure in all provinces and the fall of civilian casualties, including children and women.

The humanitarian repercussions as a result of the aggression included a severe shortage of basic resources of water, food and medicine, which led to the continued confrontation of disease outbreaks, nutritional deficiencies, the spread of hunger among the population, and a large internal displacement of Yemenis who are still living in difficult humanitarian conditions in camps for the displaced or in demolished houses, all of this. It exacerbated the economic and social conditions in Yemen.

According to the report, the humanitarian repercussions as a result of the aggression over a period of nine years included damage to all sectors of the Yemeni economy, including the oil and gas sector, which was an important source of government revenues, targeting the infrastructure for the oil , gas industry and production and export facilities, as well as damage to the agriculture, industry and services sector, which led to the continuation of the shortage. The severe decline in basic resources of water, electricity and food.

Physical damage:

Over the past nine years, the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression has targeted civilian objects, including destroying citizens’ houses, damaging their farms and property, destroying, burning infrastructure , service projects, bombing markets, stopping education, health service centers, electricity stations, water networks, and other vital installations that provide direct services to citizens. .

Psychological damage:

The aggression over the past years, intensifying the bombing and targeting, led to the emergence of cases that reached a psychological setback for social reasons, such as a feeling of inferiority or economic inability to carry out the work to which he was accustomed, or as a result of his feeling of dependence on others to meet the requirements of his daily life.

According to the report of the Ministry of Human Rights, a number of families were exposed to a deep psychological state, especially the families of victims of cluster bombs, by thinking a lot about their injured family member or feeling sad about what happened to him, or constantly rebuking what happened and other psychological effects that reach society. Many of those who were severely injured need care. Private medical.

Social and economic damages:

The US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition threw cluster bombs on the heads of Yemenis, causing fetuses and newborns to be deformed at birth, congenital deformities, chronic diseases, fatal wounds and severe injuries to civilians, hindering them from farming to provide a livelihood from food, as well as destroying grazing areas from which livestock benefit.

The criminal coalition’s use of cluster bombs deprived citizens of benefiting from their property due to its damage or contamination, leading to their displacement to search for alternative shelter, as well as depriving citizens of benefiting from natural resources such as agriculture, water, stone cutting, grazing, firewood, etc.

One of the economic effects on the individual and family when the head of the family is lost or injured is that it is deprived of its primary breadwinner and seeks to replace one or more of its members to replace the missing head of the family. However, when there is an injured person in the family, the injured need a long period of care, which increases the family’s obligations towards It is afflicted and exacerbates the economic problems of the family, which is already not in an acceptable economic situation.

Statistics of martyrs and wounded:

The human rights report revealed that the aggression coalition killed four thousand and 123 children, two thousand and 486 women and 11 thousand and 772 men, while about four thousand and 992 children and three thousand women and 23 thousand and 595 men were injured.

The report explained that the aggression’s missiles and missiles did not spare even the Yemeni environment from the effects as a result of the burial, inundation, or drift of mines, cluster bombs, and war remnants, and their decomposition in the soil or water, which represented the unsuitability of the land for agriculture in some areas, in addition to the pollution of wells, springs, water sources, streams, and seashores.

Estimates of soil experts and evaluation of its suitability for agriculture confirm that the soil needs a long period of time to get rid of pollution and its effects. In the same context, damage has been caused to livestock as a result of pollution of pastures and livestock drinking sources.

Destruction of civilian facilities and objects:

The report of the Ministry of Human Rights regarding food facilities, which were destroyed and damaged as a result of military attacks, listed what the aggression destroyed during the past nine years... indicating that the coalition destroyed 1,66 lunch warehouses, 1,42 food locomotives and tankers, 691 markets, 1,173 commercial stores, 307 factories, 13,000 food trucks and 998 agricultural fields and nurseries.

During the nine years, the aggression caused the destruction of 154 agricultural equipment, four thousand and 224 agricultural associations, 407 grain silos, 424 livestock pens, 42 thousand and 705 beehives , apiaries, and the death of 90 purebred horses.

According to the report, the aggression polluted 1,985 water facilities, including a dam, a barrier, a water tank, and irrigation canals, and 10,338 well water pumps, submersibles, modern irrigation networks, 16 solar energy units, well drillers, killed and injured more than 3,000 and 76 fishermen who were directly targeted, as well as killed. 186 children and women from fishing families were injured, 4,625 fishing boats were destroyed and burned.

The aggression targeted 100 fish landing centers and fish collection markets on the coasts of the Red Sea, preventing fishermen from practicing the fishing profession in Yemeni territorial waters, occupying some Yemeni islands where fishermen practice the fishing profession, depriving more than 40 thousand traditional fishermen from fishing on the coasts of the Red and Arab seas, and arresting and detaining them a thousand fishermen and imprisoned them.

Regarding educational facilities, the aggression caused damage to more than 2,773 educational and pedagogical facilities as a result of the aggression, including the complete destruction of 435 schools, the partial destruction of 1,546 schools, the closure of more than 774 schools, and a high rate of student dropout from schools.

The report stated that the aggression caused the total and partial destruction of more than 45 public and private universities and colleges, as well as the total and partial destruction of more than 74 community colleges and technical, technical and vocational institutes, as well as the total and partial destruction of more than 407 food and pharmaceutical factories, grain silos and detergents, in addition to the destruction of total and partial attacks on more than five thousand and 587 electrical facilities, networks, stations, more than 383 workers and employees in the electricity sector were killed and injured.

During the past nine years, the American-Saudi-Emirati alliance led to the complete and partial destruction of more than 2,178 public and private communications and information technology positions, facilities, and networks, including the total destruction of more than 1,100 communications sites, facilities, and networks, and the total and partial destruction of more than 399 facilities belonging to the Communications Corporation and 28 facilities affiliated with the Postal Service.

The report revealed that 69 employees in the communications sector were martyred and injured as a result of the aggression, and that more than 87 communications employees were deprived of returning to their homeland from abroad, and that the aggression countries confiscated communications equipment and technologies, targeting the Internet unit in Hodeida province and the capital secretariat, and putting it out of service for more than two weeks.

The report included the damage of the aggression on oil installations, through the complete and partial destruction of more than 511 fuel and gas stations, burning and damaging more than 294 fuel tankers, as well as burning and destroying 163 thousand domestic gas cylinders, detaining hundreds of ships and ships loaded with oil and gas derivatives and preventing them from entering the port of Hodeida from 2016 AD until April 2022 AD.

Regarding seaports, the aggression caused the total and partial destruction of 14 seaports, damaged and burned the seaports’ cranes, bombed and destroyed one of the Coast Guard’s buoys located at the time at the western barrier of the Salif port pier, exploited the port of Aden for the special interests of the countries of the aggression coalition, and invested in the port of Socotra for the benefit of the countries of aggression. .

The report explained that the aggression caused the total and partial destruction of nine civilian airports, as well as three airport facilities, including the ceremony hall at Sana’a Airport and the new airport building under construction, with continued bombing more than once, including the Civil Aviation Institute, burning four civilian aircraft, and damaging and destroying the navigational guidance system at Sana’a Airport. Destroying six civil aviation and meteorological sectors, stopping air traffic, imposing a ban on Sana'a Airport from August 2017 until today, and preventing a Yemenia plane from landing at Aden Airport since July 2019.

With regard to media facilities, the aggression destroyed more than 56 visual, audio and print media institutions. The aggression also caused the destruction and damage of more than 28 radio and television transmission centers (FM and microwave), the cloning of satellite channels in Riyadh, especially the official ones, and the closing and intentional cancellation of a number of national channels from some satellite networks.

The aggression coalition targeted the houses of media figures and journalists, killed their children and families, stopped some private sector channels from “Al-Masirah, Yemen Today” on the satellite network such as Nilesat, and violated more than 232 violations of media freedom in the occupied provinces.

The aggression coalition attacked youth and sports facilities, roads, bridges, and other civilian facilities, causing the complete and partial destruction of more than 136 sports facilities, the destruction of more than seven thousand , 764 roads and bridges, and the burning of more than eight thousand and 147 means of transportation, as well as the complete and partial destruction of more than two thousand and 180. A public facility concerned with providing basic services to citizens.

The Ministry of Human Rights report stated that the aggression caused the total and partial destruction of more than 1,793 mosques, targeting shrines, and preventing Yemeni pilgrims from performing Hajj every year, as well as the total and partial destruction of more than 419 archaeological sites, historical landmarks, cultural properties, and 366 tourist facilities, and targeting hundreds of archaeological sites and cities. Many of them are registered with UNESCO on the World Human Heritage Lists: “Old Sana’a, Zabid, Shibam, Marib, and Baraqish.”

The report presented statistics on the areas that were targeted with cluster munitions in the various provinces of the Republic during the past nine years, with a total of two thousand and 932 raids.

Sa'ada provinxe recorded first in 18 districts with 1,108 raids, followed by Hajjah province with 422 raids targeting 11 districts, Al-Hideida with 232 raids, and the capital secretariat with 15 raid.

The human rights report confirmed that the damage to the health sector as a result of the aggression caused a deterioration in health services, which became insufficiently available in many areas, especially rural areas, and the outbreak of diseases and the spread of infection due to the lack of health services, including the cholera epidemic, measles and other diseases. Infectious and chronic.

The report stated that the deterioration of the health infrastructure caused the population to be exposed to serious health risks, and one of its results was the lack of health services due to the aggression’s destruction of many facilities, hospitals and health centers in Yemen, which greatly affected the health system’s ability to meet the population’s needs for treatment and medical services.

The lack of medical supplies, including medicines and basic medical equipment, negatively affected the ability to provide the necessary health care to the population and led to an increase in death rates and health suffering for Yemenis.

The Ministry of Human Rights report confirmed that Yemen has become one of the highest rates of child mortality among countries in the world, primarily due to preventable causes such as malnutrition, lack of access to health care, and inadequate sanitation.

Over the past nine years, the aggression and siege have caused the death of thousands of children and women as a result of acute malnutrition, and hundreds of thousands of children and women are still suffering from acute malnutrition, which is a result of the accumulation of multiple factors caused by the aggression and siege, including food shortages, as well as lack of health care and economic deprivation.

The report highlighted the suffering of hundreds of thousands of civilians from mental health problems as a result of the aggression and siege, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, in light of the limited mental health and psychological support services, which has exacerbated the psychological burden on civilians.

The report of the Ministry of Human Rights recommended that the international community play its role in ending the root causes of the crimes and violations of the aggression coalition by pressuring the aggression countries and mercenaries to make peace, end the aggression, lift the siege, pay employees’ salaries, and open airports, most notably Sana’a International Airport.

The report stressed the importance of forming an independent international committee to investigate all crimes and violations committed by the aggression coalition and its mercenaries since March 26, 2015, to ensure accountability and not impunity, referring the file of crimes of aggression against Yemen to the International Criminal Court, and completing the relevant authorities to monitor and document the violations and crimes of the aggression countries.

The report stressed the need to stop the export of weapons to the aggression countries that are used to kill and commit crimes against the Yemeni people, and that the arms exporting countries respect their obligations under the Arms Trade of 2013, and obligate countries to compensate for the damage and reconstruct what was destroyed during the years of aggression and siege.

The past nine years remain fresh in the minds of Yemenis, with the crimes and violations committed by the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition that devastate humanity, awaiting the appropriate opportunity to demand justice and hold the perpetrators accountable sooner or later.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300