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  US-Saudi Aggression
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Yemenis celebrate International Quds Day
Yemenis celebrate International Quds Day
Yemenis celebrate International Quds Day
[Fri, 05 Apr 2024 19:43:10 +0300]

CAPITALS April 05. 2024 (Saba) - Under the slogan "The flood of the free". Yemenis, along with the rest of the free Arab and Islamic nation, celebrated this year's International Quds Day with a great popular flood, as millions gathered in the seventy square in the capital, Sana'a, in conjunction with the march of millions in more than 150 squares in 15 free governorates, in an unparalleled public presence.

In this context, the capital, Sana'a, witnessed on Friday, a mass march, the largest of its kind, Arab and Islamic, in commemoration of the International Quds Day, in victory for Gaza and the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance in the face of the usurping Zionist enemy.

The million-man crowds in the marches raised the Yemeni and Palestinian flags and banners, stressing that the commemoration of the International Quds Day is a jihadist practice for the sake of God and confronting the enemies of the Islamic Ummah, the Zionists, America, Britain and their lackeys.

She stressed that the Yemeni people are present with the free people of the nation to support Palestine and its holy sites, and to support the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation, which is one of the indicators of the approaching victory.

The leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, had called in his speech on the occasion of the International Quds Day on Thursday evening, the Yemeni people to go out of the two million masses.

To combine his weekly two-millionth outing with the occasion of International Jerusalem Day. He stressed that the occasion of this year's International Quds Day comes in an exceptional situation that differs from previous years.

The Leader stressed that the nation needs to be in a state of full vigilance against the enemy's conspiracies and goals, and to work to confront it in all fields.

He called on the Islamic Ummah to fear God, feel responsible and interested in the Palestinian cause, contribute effectively to supporting the Palestinian people, and strive practically to confront enemies.

The International Quds Day is one of the most important events witnessed by the Arab and Islamic nation and the whole world, and was launched by the late Imam Khomeini on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan in support of the Arab people in Palestine and in order to lift injustice and aggression against them.

The slogan of Al-Quds Day this year comes under the slogan "The Flood of the Free", in line with the great event called "Al-Aqsa Flood", which is the heroic and blessed qualitative operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist enemy entity.

In Iran, the International Quds Day marches were launched this morning under the slogan (Jerusalem Day from the flood of Al-Aqsa to the flood of the free), in conjunction with the arrival of the bodies of the martyrs of the Zionist aggression on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, where these marches were organized in more than 2000 places in various Iranian provinces.

Hundreds of Palestinians also participated in Gaza City, on Friday afternoon, in a march to commemorate the "International Quds Day" corresponding to the last Friday of Ramadan, and in rejection of the Zionist incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque, and a number of leaders and representatives of Palestinian factions, most notably Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, participated in the march.

In Syria, the Standing Committee of the International Quds Day organized an event entitled "The Flood of the Free" in the Yarmouk camp in the capital, Damascus, which included a presentation by the people of the Palestinian camps in Syria and a speech festival in the presence of official figures, leaders of parties, factions, Arab and Islamic forces, clerics and a number of representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Damascus.

In Pakistan, senior officials, in their messages on the occasion of International Quds Day, renewed their commitment to the aspirations of the Palestinian people and condemned the continuation of the Zionist occupation, saying: "Al-Quds Day is a day of unity of Muslims and the peoples of the world to save the Palestinians from the clutches of the usurping entity and liberate Jerusalem."

The Pakistani Prime Minister in Islamabad, Shahbaz Sharif, this morning, in a message on the occasion of the International Quds Day, saluted the martyrs of Gaza. He called on the international community to end its silence towards the genocide of the Palestinians at the hands of the usurping Zionist entity.

In Lebanon, Palestinian factions organized a mass march in Burj al-Barajneh camp, under the slogan "The Flood of the Free", in commemoration of the International Quds Day, which started in front of the "Al-Furqan" mosque towards the Arab Center in the camp, after Friday prayers.

In addition to the Palestinian factions, the march was attended by representatives of Lebanese and Islamic national parties and forces, popular committees, Palestinian security services, Palestinian institutions and NGOs, the Palestinian scouts affiliated with the Kinetic Scout Bureau in Beirut, and the activities and residents of the camp.

The Lebanese Brigades to resist the Zionist occupation and the National Action Committees - Bekaa region - commemorated the occasion of the International Quds Day, under the auspices of a member of the Central Council of Hezbollah, Sheikh Hussein Zuaiter. Activities on the occasion of International Quds Day were also launched in Sidon.

In a speech on the occasion, the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stressed that there is no doubt that the joint of the "Al-Aqsa flood" is a historical detail in our region, and the way the Zionists continue to fight indicates that they have lost their minds.

He said: "This day we express our commitment, position, resistance and great hopes, and we must stop at the martyrs of the last days in the Zionist aggression against the Iranian consulate in Damascus, including the martyrs of senior leaders who have historical value in our march."

He explained that the Zionist attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus is a pivotal incident that has its aftermath.

"Be sure that the Iranian response to the targeting of the consulate in Damascus is inevitable.

While the early Iraqi preparations and preparations for the commemoration of the International Quds Day included important and deep messages, especially as they came in the midst of circumstances and situations full of many risks and challenges facing Iraq and the countries of the region in general, and the battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood" in all its dimensions, aspects, manifestations and repercussions, may be a clear credibility and a clear example of the size and nature of those risks and challenges.

Iraqis commemorated the International Day of Jerusalem, in mass marches that roamed various governorates of Iraq, especially the capital Baghdad, in support of the Palestinian people and to condemn the crimes of the Zionist enemy in Gaza, as well as to condemn the American support for the Zionist aggression on Gaza.

The demonstrators chanted "No, no America", "America is the Great Satan" and "No, no Israel" and demanded action to stand by the Palestinian people.

Iraq is considered one of the main elements in the axis of resistance, and the marches marched by the Iraqi crowds marked an important point in commemorating the International Quds Day and supporting the Palestinian cause. In the Sultanate of Oman, Omanis demonstrated after Friday prayers in front of the US embassy in the capital Muscat in solidarity with Gaza and the resistance, to commemorate International Quds Day, and to condemn the continued US support for Israel in its aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Jordanian people also participated today extensively in the marches of the International Quds Day on the last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan. According to al-Bawsaleh, Jordanian citizens in various governorates of the country participated extensively in the International Quds Day marches after Friday prayers.

Jordanians in Amman, the capital, chanted slogans strongly condemning the crimes committed by the Zionist enemy against the residents of the Gaza Strip.

In Bahrain, demonstrations took place in commemoration of the International Quds Day west of the capital, Manama, and another demonstration began in Diraz from the Imam Sadiq Mosque.

Bahraini demonstrators rejecting the Zionist aggression and demanding the cancellation of Bahrain's normalization agreement with the Zionist entity chanted several phrases, most notably: "With soul and blood, we redeem you, O Al-Aqsa" and "Normalization is treason."

A large march took place in Malaysia in which the participants declared their solidarity with the people of Palestine and its cause. Demonstrators waved the flags of the Popular Mobilisation Forces and resistance factions during mass rallies in the capital Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysians demonstrated in commemoration of International Quds Day, raising Palestinian flags and slogans condemning the killing of children by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip.

Thousands of residents of Pakistan's Kashmir region also marched in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the people of Gaza to coincide with International Quds Day.

In Indonesia, popular events were held on the occasion of the International Quds Day, in support of the Gaza Strip and in rejection of the Zionist aggression against it.

Mass demonstrations to mark International Quds Day also took place in Nigeria's Bauchi state, with demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and chanting "Death to Israel."

Palestinians and free people around the world celebrate the activities of the International Quds Day on the last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan through demonstrations and marches rejecting the Israeli occupation of occupied Palestine.

This year's Jerusalem Day comes in light of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of October 2023.

The issue of liberating Palestine from the Zionist occupation is the first central issue for Arabs and Muslims, and therefore they celebrate with the free people of the world the International Quds Day and raise slogans against arrogance and racist Zionist occupation, and issue warnings to the major colonial powers that support this brutal entity, by mobilizing all peoples in the world to go out in demonstrations and popular marches in support of the vulnerable and oppressed in occupied Palestine.

The wider the celebration of the International Quds Day, the greater its results and effects, the more effective and effective it will be.

From this standpoint, Al-Quds Day aims to unite the word of Arabs, Muslims and free people of the world, and to achieve the removal of the Zionist occupation of Palestine, especially since the temporary entity began to live in a state of isolation and isolation in the global environment, where it occurred after its brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip in the face of criticism from the international community and the Western peoples as a whole.

The Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip has caused a shift in world public opinion in support of the usurping entity and its false claims in its right to defend itself as soon as it sees the Zionist forces committing crimes against humanity, which may undermine American and European support for the bastard entity with increasing internal and external pressure on it to stop the Zionist enemy government from committing further humanitarian violations.

The Palestinian issue is the main issue for the axis of resistance, and it is the central issue on which its factions in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq gather, and it is supported by official authorities and sponsored by them in Damascus and Tehran in light of the unlimited Western support for the usurping entity, especially in the wake of the barbaric aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The "flood of the free" comes on the International Quds Day as a continuation of the blessed battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood" and will not stop and will continue in various forms to support the central Palestinian cause on which Arabs, Muslims and the free world gather until the desired goal of liberating Palestine and removing the occupati

The "flood of the free" comes on the International Quds Day as a continuation of the blessed battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood" and will not stop and will continue in various forms to support the central Palestinian cause on which Arabs, Muslims and the free world gather until the desired goal of liberating Palestine and removing the occupation completely is achieved.


resource : SABA


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300