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  US-Saudi Aggression
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  Revolution Leader
Revolution leader calls for rally on tomorrow to confirm that Palestinian people are not alone
Revolution leader calls for rally on tomorrow to confirm that Palestinian people are not alone
Revolution leader calls for rally on tomorrow to confirm that Palestinian people are not alone
[Thu, 25 Jan 2024 21:08:33 +0300]

SANA'A January 25. 2024 (Saba) - Revolutionary leader Mr. Abdul Malik Badraldin al-Houthi called on the Yemeni people to make a large and broad mass exit tomorrow in Sana'a capital's Al-Sabeen Square and in the rest of the governorates to assure the Palestinian people in Gaza that they were not alone and that they are with them until victory.

In his speech today, Thursday on the latest developments, the leader of the Revolution noted that, for 110 days, Israel's barbaric and criminal aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip continued, committing genocide, starvation, displacement and dredging every day with American support and participation.

He stressed that, in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and to date, there has been no aggression that has continued for such a period of time at the same level of criminality, destruction, bombardment and criminal military operations on such a limited scale as the Gaza Strip, the number of martyrs and missing persons according to the reported statistics is more than 32 thousand, mostly children and women, tens of thousands of people have been injured and a percentage of Gaza's population is now wounded, which is unparalleled in events in various countries of the world.

Mr. Abdulmalek al-Houthi pointed out that the barbaric aggression of the Zionist enemy was offset by unrivalled resilience and resignation by the resistance in Gaza and by the inhabitants.

He explained that despite the scale of the aggression, barbaric bombing, destruction and annihilation, never before in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict has an army or Arab armies cooperated with such steadfastness as the mujahideen in Gaza and in conditions without a siege.

He pointed out that the Israeli enemy's casualties amounted to thousands of dead and wounded soldiers with unprecedented shaking of the entity and total failure as he hoped to clear the Palestinian cause in addition to its significant economic losses despite American and Western financial and military support, the equation, thanks to the steadfastness of the mujahideen and the people in Gaza, became "( If you should be suffering - so are they suffering as you are suffering,).

He stated that all international institutions were watching what was happening on Palestine's land in Gaza, but where was the practical situation?

American is the reason:
The leader of the revolution stressed that American and Western resolutions did not come against the genocide of the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Everyone knows that the main reason for the continuation of Zionist criminality with all this brutality, brazenness and clarity is the American position. Stating that the American insists on continuing Zionist aggression against Gaza and provides him with bombs and rockets to kill Gaza's children and women, it also insists on preventing the arrival of food and medicine, and Gaza remains in siege and the Rafah crossing remains closed for most of the time.

The American insisted that there should be no flow of assistance and humanitarian needs for the Palestinian people in Gaza, while fighting for supplies to reach Israelis and denying access to food and medicine to Gaza. The United States was behind the persistence of Zionist criminality and international failure.

He also stressed that the American was sending its officers to participate in the management of Zionist criminality against the people of Gaza, contributing directly to the starvation of the Palestinian people to die of hunger, not only with bombs to kill them, and proceeded to escalate against our country despite the cost of escalation.

The American is expanding the conflict:
Mr. Abdulmalek Badraldin al-Houthi pointed out that the American escalation on Yemen costs him a lot at the economic level and has negative consequences in expanding the conflict.

"The American did not care about the threat of international navigation and the transformation of the Red Sea into a battlefield, nor did food and medicine reach the people of Gaza," he said. The American has no problem in expanding the conflict and straining the regional situation, nor in bringing medicine and food into Gaza.

The American had not accepted a fair formula from the beginning of the sea's events for food and medicine to reach the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The responsibility of the nation:
The leader of the revolution explained that in exchange for American tyranny and aggression, there was great responsibility for the Islamic Ummah to support the oppressed Palestinian people.

He stressed that the Yemeni people's attitude stemmed from a sense of human, moral and religious responsibility based on their faith identity, and the Yemeni people's battle today to support the Palestinian people was neither a separate nor a side battle as the American tried to portray.

Our fight continues:
The leader of the revolution reaffirmed that there was no battle in the Red Sea for international navigation. What was happening in the Red Sea was a battle to support the Palestinian people in exchange for American aggression to protect Zionist criminality.

"Our fight to support the Palestinian people since the beginning of the aggression against Gaza has continued and is fully linked to what is happening in Gaza, whether rockets are fired into the occupied Palestinian territory or operations at sea."

The result of these operations was more than 200 drones, more than 50 ballistic missiles and wings, and our country will continue its operations until food and medicine reaches the entire population of Gaza and Zionist criminality stops. "

"Our human conscience, religious affiliation and brotherhood's ties with the Palestinian people refuse us to silence or look out without our attitude or ignoring the calls of our sisters and mothers in Gaza or ignoring the cries of orphans and children."

"The American insistence on protecting Zionist criminality and its rejection of the just humanitarian equation will not affect our position and will never make us retreat. Our fight continues and is fully linked to the battle of Gaza and the American seeks open deception."

He explained that the American is trying to describe his aggression against Yemen and his protection of Zionist crimes as protection for international navigation... indicating that the American aims, through his open deception, to implicate others in participating with him in protecting the Zionist crime.

The American seeks to deceive:
"From the beginning of Yemen's operations in the Red Sea, the American refused access to medicine and food in Gaza, and headed for escalation against Yemen, despite the significant cost to him, despite the negative consequences of the escalation in the expansion of the conflict, and he was saying that he did not want to expand the conflict in the region, and then expanded the conflict in the region."

"The American is seeking open deception, trying to spread its aggression against our country and its protection of Zionist criminality as the protection of international navigation, while protecting Zionist criminality, and by deceiving others to engage with it in the protection of Zionist criminality."

Since the start of the armed forces' operations in the Red Sea and with assistance in the protection of international navigation, 4,874 merchant vessels have crossed, a very large number during this period. "Since announcing our operations in the Red Sea, everyone knows he is not a target, but the American is seeking deception."

Maritime navigation was safe, and ships associated with the Zionist entity were clearly targeted for delivering food and medicine to the Palestinian people in Gaza and preventing Zionist criminality against the Gaza Strip's inhabitants, a clear and sacred objective and a humanitarian and responsive demand.

The leader of the revolution stressed that the US aggression against Yemen was not based on a United Nations or a Security Council, and that the American and the British were threatening international navigation and violating the sovereignty of the States bordering the Red Sea.

He pointed out that "The American and British escalation, however counterproductive, will not affect our will and resolve, and we are in a sacred act that we consider to be a jihad for God, and will not affect and continuously develop our military capabilities, we are not new to facing combat challenges, which will be counterproductive to enemies at cost in threatening maritime navigation. "

Since the beginning of the attacks on Yemen and the rocket bombing from the sea, reality had shown that he had not been able to stop the strikes into the sea, but had introduced himself and the British into the problem.

There is a global awakening despite the scale of American misinformation, deception and media propaganda.

Mr. Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi advised the European peoples to beware of American involvement in their governments and exploitation of their money. He said, “We are clearly targeting ships linked to Israel with the aim of delivering food supplies to the Palestinian people.”

Continuity of movement:
Mr. Abdulmalek Badraldin Al-Houthi stressed the importance of continuing demonstrations even in Western countries in Europe, in America and elsewhere, and that Arab and Islamic communities continue to be active.

"There must be widespread and escalating pressure to stop atrocious and heinous criminality against the Palestinian people, and there must be intense media activity to demonstrate the oppression of the Palestinian people," he said.

He noted the importance of continuing to urge and explain the importance of boycotting American and Israeli goods and their consequences. Confirming that public action was very important in calling for an end to the aggression against Gaza and ending criminality against the Palestinian people.

Unique Model:
Mr. Abdulmalek Badraldin Al-Houthi considered the Yemeni Muslim people's offer of comprehensive movement at all levels as a model. He said, "The weekly mass demonstration of our people and their exit last week in the rain in Al-Sabeen Square provided an example, and our people's chant for Palestine, 'You are not alone' and 'With you until victory' is a slogan for our people that expresses a commitment that will be fulfilled."

Mr. Abdulmalik Badraldin Al-Houthi called on the Yemeni people to continue the very broad public rally weekly exit.


resource : Saba


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UPDATED ON :Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:04 +0300