GPC President Saleh calls Yemen sons, army to join front lines to confront Saudi aggression

Yemen News Agency SABA
GPC President Saleh calls Yemen sons, army to join front lines to confront  Saudi aggression
[03/ March/2017]
SANA'A, March 2 (Saba) - President of General People's Congress (GPC) party Ali Abdullah Saleh on Thursday called on the Yemeni people and army to join front lines to confront the barbaric aggression of the Saudi-led coalition, which includes 17 countries including the US, Britain and Israel.

Saleh called sons of Sana'a, all provinces and 400,000 troops to rush to the border front lines, and said the war equation will change for us.

Saleh confirmed that Sana'a is safe, and its men are steadfast and they will protect it and prevent any disruption of security.

Saleh said that everyone will stand strongly to confront terrorism and the aggression to preserve security and stability of all provinces.

Saleh praised the heroic role of the Yemeni people and their steadfastness in front of hunger, airstrikes and siege, vowing that the great victory is very near.
