Sana'a - Saba:
America dominated the world politically, economically and militarily at the beginning of the third millennium AD; this sovereignty certainly requires a mind and wisdom to manage it to ensure its continuity, but the megalomania that blinded it made America fail in that management.
This became clear from the series of defeats that America suffered in many places where it is present, and the most accurate examples of this are its humiliating withdrawal with the rest of the NATO countries from Afghanistan recently, and its humiliating defeat in the battle of the Red and Arab seas at the hands of the Yemeni armed forces, and the series of setbacks and defeats that the Zionist entity and its ally America and Britain are receiving in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the heroes of the Hamas movement.
The great thinker Ibn Khaldun says that countries have ages like the ages of humans, going through stages until they reach the top, and here lies the wisdom in remaining at the top or collapsing, and this is what happened to the United States of America, which did not maintain its position at the top well, so it began its decline process, which is what is happening now, as the world cannot be ruled based on military force and the policy of intimidation.
Government must be based on a policy characterized by wisdom, and in a deep look at the course of history, it becomes clear to us that many nations and various civilizations reached the top and then collapsed due to a group of factors, the most prominent of which is the predominance of the language of force over the language of wisdom in managing countries.
America is a colonial state that built its civilization from invasions and wars, plundering the wealth and resources of peoples, exploiting their capabilities and locations, and stealing their components to serve its colonial interests. America is a state that cannot live in peace because that contradicts the formation of this state and its origins based on wars and invasions, and therefore it always seeks to incite sedition and wars in order to live on them and benefit from them economically and militarily.
In the modern era, the term terrorism emerged, which America has exploited and adapted to serve its interests, and it has begun to apply this term to anyone who opposes it and criticizes its policy. It has adapted the concept of terrorism to its advantage and has begun to brandish it like a heavy stick over the heads of many countries in the world that oppose American policy.
What is certain is that America has an unrealistic policy in today's world of intertwined interests, as American policy is currently being run with a Cold War mentality that belongs to a bygone era that will never return. The surprising thing is that America persists in this foolish policy despite its failure and criticism from its closest allies.
America dominated the world politically, economically and militarily at the beginning of the third millennium AD; this sovereignty certainly requires a mind and wisdom to manage it to ensure its continuity, but the megalomania that blinded it made America fail in that management.
This became clear from the series of defeats that America suffered in many places where it is present, and the most accurate examples of this are its humiliating withdrawal with the rest of the NATO countries from Afghanistan recently, and its humiliating defeat in the battle of the Red and Arab seas at the hands of the Yemeni armed forces, and the series of setbacks and defeats that the Zionist entity and its ally America and Britain are receiving in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the heroes of the Hamas movement.
The great thinker Ibn Khaldun says that countries have ages like the ages of humans, going through stages until they reach the top, and here lies the wisdom in remaining at the top or collapsing, and this is what happened to the United States of America, which did not maintain its position at the top well, so it began its decline process, which is what is happening now, as the world cannot be ruled based on military force and the policy of intimidation.
Government must be based on a policy characterized by wisdom, and in a deep look at the course of history, it becomes clear to us that many nations and various civilizations reached the top and then collapsed due to a group of factors, the most prominent of which is the predominance of the language of force over the language of wisdom in managing countries.
America is a colonial state that built its civilization from invasions and wars, plundering the wealth and resources of peoples, exploiting their capabilities and locations, and stealing their components to serve its colonial interests. America is a state that cannot live in peace because that contradicts the formation of this state and its origins based on wars and invasions, and therefore it always seeks to incite sedition and wars in order to live on them and benefit from them economically and militarily.
In the modern era, the term terrorism emerged, which America has exploited and adapted to serve its interests, and it has begun to apply this term to anyone who opposes it and criticizes its policy. It has adapted the concept of terrorism to its advantage and has begun to brandish it like a heavy stick over the heads of many countries in the world that oppose American policy.
What is certain is that America has an unrealistic policy in today's world of intertwined interests, as American policy is currently being run with a Cold War mentality that belongs to a bygone era that will never return. The surprising thing is that America persists in this foolish policy despite its failure and criticism from its closest allies.