Cyber attack targets a British Ministry of Defence electronic system

Yemen News Agency SABA
Cyber attack targets a British Ministry of Defence electronic system
[07/ May/2024]

LONDON May 07. 2024 (Saba) - The British government announced on Tuesday that the salary system for members of the armed forces of the Ministry of Defense was subjected to a cyber attack.

The ministry said in a statement that the attack was related to the breach of the names and bank details of active members of the armed forces and some veterans, without specifying its seriousness.

British Labour Secretary Mel Stride noted
"The Ministry of Defense acted very quickly to shut down the database targeted by the attack," he said, noting that affected employees will be notified as a precaution and provided with specialist advice where they will be able to use a service to protect their personal data to verify whether their information is in use, or that there is an attempt to use it.

British Defence Secretary Grant Shapps briefed MPs on the cyber attack, which targeted a database containing details related to members of the armed forces, while media reports said that a third-party payroll system was hacked, putting bank details related to members of the armed forces and some veterans at risk.

In recent years, many British institutions have been subjected to electronic hacking attempts and cyberattacks.


resource : Saba