UNRWA warns of spreading epidemics in Gaza Strip


Yemen News Agency SABA
UNRWA warns of spreading epidemics in Gaza Strip
[06/ May/2024]
GAZA May 06. 2024 (Saba) - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) has warned of spreading diseases and epidemics in the Gaza Strip due to the accumulation of waste, especially with the rise in temperatures as summer approaches.

The UNRWA agency said that waste is accumulating throughout the Gaza Strip, and mosquitoes, flies, and mice are spreading, along with diseases and epidemics.

It also drew attention to the fact that the lack of proper sanitation makes the situation worse

Warnings continue about spreading epidemics and diseases in Gaza city after the accumulation of large quantities of waste and sewage in the streets.

resource : Saba