103 tons of expired foodstuffs in capital Sana'a destroyed


Yemen News Agency SABA
103 tons of expired foodstuffs in capital Sana'a destroyed
[05/ May/2024]

SANA'A May 05. 2024 (Saba) - The Bureau of Industry and Trade in capital Sana'a destroyed 103 tons and 530 kilograms of expired foodstuffs unfit for human consumption.

Majid al-Sada, director of the Industry and Trade Office at the municipality, told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the destruction was carried out in accordance with legal procedures during the past week, with the participation of a member of the Industry Prosecution.

He stressed keenness to strengthen the field control work carried out by the Office of Industry and its branches in the directorates, on markets and foodstuffs, and to control violations, confiscation and destruction of expired materials.


resource : Saba