Shura Council blesses fourth stage of escalation against Zionist-American enemy

Yemen News Agency SABA
Shura Council blesses fourth stage of escalation against Zionist-American enemy
[05/ May/2024]
SANA'A May 05. 2024 (Saba) - The Shura Council directed the Revolutionary Leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding the transition to the fourth stage of escalation in the face of American-Zionist-British arrogance in the region.

The Council affirmed in a statement issued today,Sunday, the steadfastness of the Yemeni position in support of the Palestinian cause until stopping the war of genocide and starvation on Gaza Strip by the American-Zionist-European aggression, lifting the siege, and bringing humanitarian aid into the Strip.

The statement called on the countries of the region to beware of the consequences of engaging or being drawn into any foolishness or escalation of the evil tripartite coalition of “America, Britain and Israel” against Yemen.

The Shura Council statement made it clear that America, Britain and Israel must take the warnings of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council seriously... stressing that their battleships at sea will not be safe against the striking power possessed by the Yemeni armed forces.

The Council called on the Yemeni people to raise caution and reveal any suspicious attempts or movements by tools of aggression that seek to destabilize the house front and divide the national ranks in the service of aggression.


resource : SABA