Mass rally in Ibb under slogan "Loyalty of Yemen the Ansar to Gaza of the Free"

Yemen News Agency SABA
Mass rally in Ibb under slogan
[03/ May/2024]

IBB May 03. 2024 (Saba) - A mass march was held in Ibb on Friday under the slogan "Loyalty of Yemen the Ansar to Gaza of the Free" in continuation of supporting the people and the valiant Palestinian resistance.

The crowd in the march, which was led by Governor Abdul Wahid Salah, the secretary general of the governorate, Amin al-Warafi, a number of members of the House of Representatives and Shura Council, and the governorate's agents, chanted slogans condemning the brutal massacres committed by the Zionist entity against the people of Gaza and the siege imposed on the Strip.

The crowd stressed the steadfastness of the position in support of Gaza and in support of the choices of the leader of the revolution, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in support of the Palestinian people and the launch of the fourth phase of escalation against the American-Zionist enemy.


resource : Saba