Agriculture & Water Ministries statement regarding entry shipment of carcinogenic pesticides

Yemen News Agency SABA
Agriculture & Water Ministries statement regarding entry shipment of carcinogenic pesticides
[21/ April/2024]
SANA'A April 21. 2024 (Saba) - The Ministries of Agriculture , Irrigation, , Water and Environment, followed up on what was raised about the entry of a shipment of carcinogenic pesticides, which included a lot of false , unscientific information about the nature of that shipment and its uses, while the document that was published was linked to a delay in merchant transactions and was issued by an entity not specialized in classifying materials.

The Ministries confirmed that no shipments of pesticides imported from the Zionist entity had been entered, and that they would not allow this at all.

The statement indicated that the pesticide "methyl bromide", which is a gaseous pesticide, is used to combat the pest of snakeworms "nematodes" in protected agriculture while the soil is still free of cultivation, as well as to combat stone pests, and it is not used on crops at all, knowing that the reasons Ban is included in the list of substances that deplete the ozone layer.

It pointed out that there is an exception for developing countries to use this pesticide in small quantities in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph (1) of Article (5) of the Montreal Protocol. Also, according to the list issued by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, it is classified as Group III, defined as (unclassified agents). It is carcinogenic to humans).

The Ministries of Agriculture, and Environment confirmed that the pesticide "mancozeb" is a restricted pesticide, not a banned one, and that restricted pesticides are those that are allowed to be imported in specific quantities in cases of need and are used under the supervision of the competent authorities.

They also confirmed that the shipment had been seized for use under the direct supervision of the competent authorities.

The two ministries called on the media and activists to ensure accuracy credibility and to obtain information from their official sources.


resource : SABA