Raymah's meeting discusses ways to implement Vision of Hope Organization projects


Yemen News Agency SABA
Raymah's meeting discusses ways to implement Vision of Hope Organization projects
[21/ April/2024]
RAYMAH April 21. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting in Raymah province, headed by Governor Fares Al-Habbari today,Sunday, discussed ways to implement the Vision of Hope Organization’s projects and enhance its interventions in the province.

During the meeting, which was attended by the province’s undersecretaries, Muhammad Murad and Hafez Al-Wahidi, the organization’s representatives, Engineer Majid Al-Ali and Jihad Al-Barakani, reviewed the organization’s interventions in implementing projects during the current year, which amounted to 33 projects worth 457 million and 970 thousand riyals, in the fields of roads, agriculture, education, water, health, training and rehabilitation in the field of Sewing and literacy, in the districts of Al-Jabain, Bilad Al-Ta’im, and Al-Jaafaria.

At the meeting, Governor Al-Habbari pointed out the importance of expanding the organization’s interventions and projects and focusing on sustainable projects that touch the needs of citizens in various fields, thus contributing to alleviating their suffering.

He stressed the need for joint coordination between the concerned authorities and donor organizations in the province during the implementation of their projects and programs, stressing the keenness to provide all facilities to implement the organization’s projects and target the rest of the province’s directorates.


resource : SABA