Algeria: We will reintroduce Palestine's full membership in United Nations with more vigorous & momentum

Yemen News Agency SABA
Algeria: We will reintroduce Palestine's full membership in United Nations with more vigorous & momentum
[20/ April/2024]

NEW YORK April 20. 2024 (Saba) - The Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, Ammar Ben Jammeh, said on Saturday that his country will return with strength and momentum, with the support of the legitimacy of the United Nations General Assembly, and the broader support of its members, on the re-introduction of the file of full membership of occupied Palestine in the organization.

During a speech, Ben Jammeh said that this step comes as a continuation of what Algeria has begun its journey towards full membership of occupied Palestine.

He also called on those who could not support the resolution to "do so next time," stressing that the overwhelming support for it sends a crystal clear message that Palestine "deserves its rightful place" among the UN membership.

He concluded by stressing that "Algeria's efforts will not stop until the State of Palestine becomes a full member of the United Nations."

The United States had dropped a resolution calling for the admission of Palestine to full membership in the United Nations, using its veto, during a session of the United Nations Security Council, Thursday, preventing the issuance of a resolution that opens the door to granting the State of Palestine full membership in the United Nations.


resource : Saba