Maduro: What is happening in Gaza is the first genocide to be broadcast live

Yemen News Agency SABA
Maduro: What is happening in Gaza is the first genocide to be broadcast live
[04/ March/2024]
CARACAS March 04. 2024 (Saba) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has confirmed that “what is happening in Gaza is the first genocide to be broadcast live and on social media.”

In a statement to reporters, the Venezuelan president considered the ongoing war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip “a catastrophic and unfortunate event in the 21st century, according to al-Mayadeen

In his on “X” platform, Maduro noted the massive demonstrations that took place in Venezuela in rejection of the genocide to which the Palestinians are subjected due to the Zionist aggression.

Maduro said “The people of Venezuela, their best daughters and sons, took to the streets, from these Bolivarian lands, to strongly reject the aggression and genocide against the Palestinian Arab people at the hands of the government of “Israel”... Enough of the massacres!

Earlier, Maduro stressed the clear position of Latin America demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, in light of the Zionist aggression on the Strip entering the 148th day in a row... noting that “the concern of millions of people and dozens of governments is legitimate.”

Last week, Maduro said regarding Gaza “All the peoples and governments of the world expect the International Court of Justice to take action to stop the genocide,” stressing that the Zionist entity is starving the Palestinians to make them want to immigrate and leave their land.

resource : Saba