Tehran informs Kuwaiti ambassador of its protest against raising issue of “Arash” field in media


Yemen News Agency SABA
Tehran informs Kuwaiti ambassador of its protest against raising issue of “Arash” field in media
[23/ February/2024]
TEHRAN February 23. 2024 (Saba) -The Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister and Director General for Gulf Affairs, Muhammad Ali Bey, met the Kuwaiti Ambassador last night, to inform him of Iran’s protest and dissatisfaction with Kuwait’s trends in recent weeks in raising the issue of “Arash” field in the media.

Tasnim International News Agency reported that Ali Bey referred in the meeting to the history of talks between the two countries, saying: The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that agreement on this issue is achieved in an atmosphere of cooperation and respect for common benefits and interests.

He added: Without a doubt, raising unilateral allegations in various statements and the media cannot constitute a step forward to address this issue and will not create any rights for the party that takes these positions.

The Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister confirmed his country's readiness to hold a new round of talks with the State of Kuwait in a friendly atmosphere with the aim of reaching a satisfactory approach for both parties.

In turn, the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait, Badr Al-Munaikh, referred in the meeting to the historical and friendly relations between the two countries, stressing his country’s decision to expand relations between the two countries, and said: He will convey the issue at the first opportunity to the relevant authorities in the State of Kuwait.


resource : SABA