Biden harms America's interests by blindly supporting Zionist enemy in its ongoing aggression against Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Biden harms America's interests by blindly supporting Zionist enemy in its ongoing aggression against Gaza
[09/ February/2024]
SANA'A February 09. 2024 (Saba) - It is certain that the position of US President Joe Biden and his administration in absolute support of the Zionist enemy entity, and his complete bias towards the usurping entity in its ongoing aggression against Gaza Strip, is causing harm to his country’s interests in the Middle East region.

That blind support by Washington came at a time when it was seeking to restore the balance of influence that had tilted strongly in favor of China and Russia in the region during the past few years.

Biden administration’s position on ongoing Zionist aggression against Gaza since the seventh of last October is subject to study and evaluation by all parties around the world, while the Zionist enemy army, with absolute American and Western support, is waging a campaign of continuous barbaric bombing on Gaza Strip since the beginning of Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood,” which the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas".

Without a doubt, the continued support from Washington and its Western allies regarding what they describe as (Israel’s right to defend itself) and taking appropriate measures against any threats, and demonstrating America’s deep commitment to its small ally, the “Zionist enemy entity,” including financial support, military , security aid, and mobilizing.

Global support for the ongoing Zionist aggression against Gaza puts US national security interests in the region at risk.

Washington realizes that October 7 represents a pivotal moment for its policy in the Middle East and its relationship with its allies in the region. Despite the strategic challenges that America faces in more than one region around the world and its confrontation with both China and Russia, the Middle East will require Washington’s continued attention and focus. Washington will move to strengthen its movements in the region, after the Middle East seemed far from the priorities of Biden administration.

Although Washington ignores its endangered interests in the Middle East, it is primarily focused on ensuring its strong support and its Western allies for the Zionist enemy entity in what they called (its right to defend itself).

In this context, since the beginning of the aggression on the eighth of last October, America has provided tremendous support to the Zionist enemy entity by continuing to affirm its rejection of any attempts at a ceasefire, despite the huge numbers of civilian martyrs, especially children , women, and the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Gaza Strip, due to targeting hospitals, starvation campaign and collective punishment.

Washington has also undermined international efforts to curb the Zionist entity's use of brute force in Gaza, including voting against a UN Security Council resolution calling for a "humanitarian truce" to deliver aid.

Washington insists on no ceasefire to ensure that the Zionist enemy entity ends its aggression unless it is able to eliminate Hamas’ offensive capabilities to a large extent. In other words, the Zionist entity will emerge from the war with the upper hand, ensuring that the post-war reality is radically different from what preceded it.

Washington is demonstrating its deep commitment to its Zionist ally, by providing direct aid to it to enhance its capabilities to achieve its goals in the aggression against Gaza Strip, while continuing to replenish the Zionist military stock and ensuring that it does not lack vital equipment to achieve its military goals, especially interceptor missiles for “Iron Dome” system and guided bombs, as well as sending American special forces to advise the Zionist forces during preparation for ground operations.

Washington has also mobilized international support for the Zionist enemy entity, and the clearest picture of American efforts to achieve this goal appears in the joint statement issued by the Presidents of the United States , France, the German Chancellor, the British and Italian Prime Ministers, which included an explicit commitment to ensuring that the Zionist enemy entity obtains the necessary means to defend himself.

The American administration, which has set a set of considerations to adhere to in the context of its blind support for the Zionist enemy entity in its aggression against the Gaza Strip, seeks to contain the conflict and prevent it from turning into a wide regional war that may lead to the direct involvement of American forces in the fighting.

But it seems that with the expansion of the barbaric American aggression against Yemen, Iraq and Syria, this senseless aggression may spark conflict in the region and will have dire consequences for Washington and its interests, and it will be the biggest loser in this conflict.


resource : SABA