Hamas: The “Raanana” commando operation is a natural response to the Zionist enemy’s massacres


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: The “Raanana” commando operation is a natural response to the Zionist enemy’s massacres
[16/ January/2024]
GAZA January 16. 2024 (Saba) - The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, confirmed the “Raanana” guerrilla operation carried out by the heroes of the Palestinian people, Al-Murabit, is a natural response to the massacres of the Nazi enemy and its continued aggression against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Information Center quoted the movement in a press statement saying: “The heroes of our people and their resistance fighters from Rafah to Jenin will continue to defend our people, our land, and our sanctities in the face of the criminal Nazi enemy.”

The movement added: “The blood of children and defenseless civilians shed by the Zionist war machine in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip will be a curse on the occupation and its terrorist settlers, who will have no security or security in our occupied land.”

The movement called on all the rebellious youth throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem to rise up in the face of the occupation... calling on them to "escalate the struggle and revolution until the Nazi occupation is defeated, the land of Palestine and its sanctities are liberated, and the Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital, God willing."


resource : SABA