Qalibaf says situation in Palestine is clear example of US, Western hypocrisy

Yemen News Agency SABA
Qalibaf says situation in Palestine is clear example of US, Western hypocrisy
[10/ January/2024]
TEHRAN January 10. 2024 (Saba) - Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council Mohammed Qalibaf has affirmed that the Palestinian people have the full right to work to realize their rights and determine their fate without permission from anyone.

Qalibaf stressed that what is happening adds a clear example of American and Western hypocrisy through their support for the crimes of the Zionist enemy.

Qalibaf said at the opening of the fifth emergency meeting of the Permanent Palestine Committee at the Union of Parliaments of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, held in Tehran Wednesday: “Operation al-Aqsa Flood is a subjective and natural process for the Palestinian people, in order to defend their rights and a reaction to injustice and aggression for years.”

He added the Palestinian issue is not an issue between the Palestinians and the Zionist entity, or between Muslims and the Zionist entity, but rather it is an international issue, and a living conscience cannot ignore what is happening in Gaza.

He also stressed that establishing relations with the Zionist entity is nothing more than a tool in his hand to penetrate in a way that serves its occupation of the Palestinian territories and changing the map of the Islamic world. As for normalization projects such as the “Abrahamic Agreement,” they were useless and a loss to the national and cultural identity and sovereignty of these countries. In fact, they did not even achieve He changed his defense strategy and divided the Islamic ranks in defending Palestine.

Qalibaf concluded his speech by affirming the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in supporting the legitimate Palestinian right to self-defense against the Zionist aggression... calling on the supporters of the Zionist entity to stop their support for genocidal massacres.

It is worth mentioning that the work of the fifth emergency meeting of the Permanent Palestine Committee, at the Union of Parliaments of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the first meeting of the Palestine Committee of the Asian Parliaments Association (APA) were launched this morning in Tehran, under the slogan (Cooperation of Parliaments for Palestine).

Representatives from 26 Islamic and Asian countries are participating in this meeting, at the level of speakers and deputy speakers of parliaments, from the countries of Palestine, Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Oman, China, Mauritania, Indonesia, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan. , Kuwait, Senegal, Mali, Malaysia, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Qatar, Morocco, the Emirates, Pakistan, and Chad, as guests of the Islamic Shura Council in this meeting.

resource : Saba