Discussing coordination mechanisms between Industry Ministry & Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation


Yemen News Agency SABA
Discussing coordination mechanisms between Industry Ministry & Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation
[10/ December/2023]
HODEIDA December 10. 2023 (Saba)-A meeting held in Hodeida, headed by the caretaker Minister of Industry and Trade, Muhammad Sharaf Al-Mutahhar, and including the head of the Red Sea Ports Corporation, marine engineer Yasser Muhammad Ahmed, and his deputy, Zaid Al-Washli, discussed mechanisms for enhancing coordination between the ministry and the institution.

The meeting touched on mechanisms for enhancing coordination between the Ministry and the Ports Corporation in aspects related to importers’ services, ways to stimulate navigational and commercial activity, work procedures at the Corporation and the port, mechanisms for transporting arriving goods, and the level of services provided by the Corporation and the entities operating at the port to facilitate transactions and speed up their completion, thus contributing to the advancement of navigational activity.

At the meeting, the Minister of Industry and Trade praised the efforts of workers in all parties at Hodeida port and their keenness to improve work mechanisms by simplifying services in a way that contributes to revitalizing the port’s navigational movement.

For his part, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Red Sea Ports Corporation and his deputy reviewed the Corporation’s procedures for providing yards, speeding up work turnover, activating operational efficiencies, and working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition, Al-Mutahhar ,the head of the corporation and his deputy, were briefed on the progress of navigational work in Hodeida port.

They listened to an explanation about the progress of work in the new container yard, the efforts to organize trucks for unloading and transporting goods, the procedures for examining and inspecting them according to the established mechanisms that the Red Sea Ports Corporation is keen on.

They stressed the importance of accelerating the process of inspection and examination of goods and their exit from the yards in order to serve the movement of commercial activity and accelerate the transport of goods to markets.


resource : SABA