Euro-Med: Israel kills more than 10 thousand child in Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Euro-Med: Israel kills more than 10 thousand child in Gaza
[09/ December/2023]
GENEVA December 09. 2023 (Saba) - A recent report by the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor shows that "Israel" has killed more than ten thousand child and infants since the onset of aggression against the Gaza Strip on the seventh of October.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported that the total death toll in the Israeli airstrikes and intensive artillery attacks has exceeded 23,012, including 9,077 children and infants, according to preliminary statistics.

As hundreds of children remain under the rubble with their chances of rescue diminishing after weeks of unsuccessful rescue attempts, the total number of child casualties will likely exceed 10,000, the Monitor adds.

The Monitor estimated that the total number of children impacted by the genocidal war perpetrated by "Israel" against Gaza reached approximately 700,000, which includes those killed, injured, and displaced without shelter.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported that the United Nations agencies, including the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), refuse to disclose the real figures of the victims instead of coming to terms with their inaptitude to meet their duties of saving the victims and preventing the deaths of countless children in Gaza.


resource : Saba