Laying foundation stone for developing, improving irrigation

Yemen News Agency SABA
Laying  foundation stone for developing, improving irrigation
[29/ November/2023]
HODEIDA November 29. 2023 (Saba) -The Minister of Finance, Dr. Rashid Abu Lahoum, and the Governor of Hodeidah, Muhammad Qahim, laid the foundation stone for the irrigation development and improvement project in Wadi Moore in Hodeida, which cost 186 million riyals.

The project, funded by the Hodeida Support and Development Fund, comes as part of the program to establish six water canals and diversionary barriers in Wadi Moore.

The project also comes within the work of protecting the village of Al-Mirdaf from floods, with a length of 400 meters, and irrigating an area estimated at 4,500 acres of agricultural land.


resource : SABA