Haniyeh: Zionist enemy will not enjoy security until Palestinian people enjoy security, freedom


Yemen News Agency SABA
Haniyeh: Zionist enemy will not enjoy security until Palestinian people enjoy security, freedom
[24/ October/2023]
GAZA October 24. 2023 (Saba) - Head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has confirmed that the Zionist enemy will not enjoy security so that the Palestinian people and their children can enjoy security, freedom and sovereignty over their blessed land.

The Palestinian Information Center quoted Haniyeh in a press statement at dawn on Tuesday as saying “These criminals do not differentiate between anyone, killing children, women and the elderly as well as committing the most horrific massacres throughout the Gaza Strip, writing a page of shame in their blood-stained history.”

He added "The titans of resistance ... will pursue them, and their strongholds will be destroyed. They will not enjoy security, no matter how long it takes, until our people and children enjoy security, freedom, and sovereignty over our blessed land."

Haniyeh addressed the leaders of the Arab and Islamic countries, asking how much blood and massacres do you need in order for you to become angry with God and take a stand for history in the face of this permissibility of the blood of children, women and the elderly of Gaza, and how far away is the bill of martyrs?

He also addressed "the West that is immersed in the blood of innocent Palestinian people, who claim human rights... saying: With your positions in support of the genocidal war in Gaza, you have fallen once and for all from the record of humanity and you have built a wall between you and the Arab and Islamic peoples that will not fall forever."

resource : Saba