Abu Ubaida says Zionist enemy killed four of its prisoners in its intense bombing of Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
Abu Ubaida says Zionist enemy killed four of its prisoners in its intense bombing of Gaza
[09/ October/2023]
GAZA October 09. 2023 (Saba) - Military spokesman for al-Qassam Brigades Abu Ubaida announced on Monday that the Zionist enemy’s bombing of the Gaza Strip last night and today led to the killing of four of its prisoners and the martyrdom of jailors.

The "Palestine Today" news agency reported that the enemy has launched insane and intense raids that have affected all areas of the Gaza Strip since last night and this morning, and massacres were committed in Shati and Jabalia camps.

It is noteworthy that the resistance in Gaza captured a large number of soldiers and settlers in the Gaza Strip, since the beginning of Operation al-Aqsa Flood, which the resistance began last Saturday.

resource : Saba