Parliament Speaker congratulates Revolution Leader & Political Council on Prophet’s birthday & September holidays

Yemen News Agency SABA
Parliament Speaker congratulates Revolution Leader & Political Council on Prophet’s birthday & September holidays
[26/ September/2023]
SANA'A September 26.2023 (Saba)-Parliament Speaker ,Yahya Ali Al-Ra'i, sent a cable of congratulations to Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, and members of the Political Council, on the anniversary of the honorable birth of the Prophet may the best prayers , peace be upon him and his family, which coincides with the holidays of the revolution Yemeni September.

Al-Ra'i also congratulated on this solemn religious occasion the leadership, members of the armed and security forces and those stationed in sites of pride and dignity in defense of Yemen, its unity, sovereignty and independence, and all the Yemeni people.

He pointed out that the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday is a milestone for strengthening the spiritual and emotional connection with the Noble Messenger, whom they have visited and supported since the dawn of Islam. He prayed to God almighty to preserve Yemen and its people and bring back this great occasion, Yemen has achieved all the goodness, progress and prosperity it aspires to.


resource : SABA