Revolution leader : Imam Hussein presented in Karbala greatest lessons of truth

Yemen News Agency SABA
Revolution leader : Imam Hussein presented in Karbala greatest lessons of truth
[28/ July/2023]
SANA'A July 28. 2023 (Saba)-The leader of the revolution, al-Sayyed Abd al-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, affirmed that Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, presented in the battle of Karbala the greatest lessons for the nation throughout its history in steadfastness on the truth, loyalty to Islam, and the advancement of responsibility.

In his speech today on "Ashura", the Leader of the Revolution indicated that commemorating this memory and talking about the revival of the Messenger of God's grandson, his martyrdom, and the Karbala incident indicate the great, deep and extended impact of his revival and martyrdom.

He said, "The commemoration of this memory also indicates the shock of the great catastrophe that has been shaking the living consciences of the sons of the Islamic nation through generations.

Al-Sayyed emphasized that the path of the renaissance of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, extended after his martyrdom, and the nation found that it had no choice but to move seriously and decisive revolution to get rid of the Umayyad tyranny, and this was achieved after a series of revolutions and sacrifices.

Al-Houthi stated that the nation in this era faces tyranny, evil and Yazidi criminality represented by the Zionist lobby, America, Israel and their allies and collaborators, as their war has become explicit against the Holy Quran.

Al-Sayyed Abdul Malik explained that the satanic endeavors led by America openly to promote immorality and homosexuality and all steps that strike moral values are the culmination of their path in deviating human societies from God’s approach and guidance.

He pointed out that the persistence of the forces of evil and tyranny can only be stopped by serious action with awareness and a sense of responsibility and trust in Allh.

Al-Sayyed considered the steadfastness of the dear Yemeni people over nine years of siege, propaganda campaigns, and efforts to stir up internal strife, a great divine success, and following the example of the great scholars including Imam Hussein.

The leader of revolution called on the sons of the Islamic nation to take a firm and serious stance that rises to the level of responsibility towards the enemies for their offense to the Holy Quran.

He advised and warned Western societies that the Jewish lobby is pushing them towards the abyss, and to where they will receive God's wrath and torment.

Al-Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi pointed out that the situation that Western societies have reached is a bad and backward condition, and a terrible state of slavery. He said, "I call on them to liberate themselves from the slavery of the Jews, and to return to the divine message."

He stated that the reality that human society is experiencing is distressed and dangerous, while the situation of Western societies is heading towards a very dangerous situation at the global level.

Al-Houthi pointed out that Western civilization is a barbaric civilization that denies morals, values, and human dignity, oppresses, tyrannizes, and oppresses, and does not care for the right and sanctities.

The Leader of the Revolution affirmed Yemen's firm and principled stance towards the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people and its continuous endeavor to enhance cooperation and coordination with the brothers in Palestine and the axis of jihad and resistance.

He said, "What we hope from cooperation with the axis of jihad and resistance is to achieve the desired goal of purifying Palestine and saving the Palestinian people."

The leader of the revolution called on the coalition of aggression to end the aggression, siege and occupation, and to deal with the war files on the issue of prisoners, reconstruction and damage, and to desist from conspiracies.

He also called on the Yemeni people for permanent readiness to continue confronting the enemies in order to deter them and save the country from their evil, tyranny and conspiracies.


resource : SABA