Guidance Office in Shabwa condemns mercenaries' destruction of Islamic monuments

Yemen News Agency SABA
Guidance Office in Shabwa condemns mercenaries' destruction of Islamic monuments
[27/ August/2022]

SANA'A, Aug. 27 (Saba) - Guidance Office in Shabwa province condemned on Friday the targeting of UAE mercenaries for Islamic monuments and historical testimonies in the province.

In a statement received by SABA, the Guidance Office confirmed that the demolition of the historic shrines and monuments in Shabwa shows the malice of the project and the deviant thought of the occupying forces and their mercenaries.

He noted that the attack on the shrines took place in Shabwah only by al-Qa 'idah terrorist organization and the tools of the US-UAE aggression coalition. Considering that targeting for Yemen's history and authentic Shabwani civilization.

The statement affirmed that the bombing by the aggression mercenaries of the Abdulrahman Ben Omar Baddas mausoleum in the Arqah area of the coast of Rudum and the Ben Abdul Samad dome in the Rudum area was a crime added to the criminal record of the aggression coalition and its mercenaries.

The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are seeking to obliterate Yemen's historical heritage and religious monuments. He stressed that what happens in Shabwa conflict is planned to shed her son's blood so that the invaders can control conservation and plunder wealth.


resource : SABA