The occupation entity certifies the establishment of an air train line deep in al-Quds

Yemen News Agency SABA
The occupation entity certifies the establishment of an air train line deep in al-Quds
[16/ May/2022]

Al-Quds, May. 16 (Saba) - The Supreme Zionist Court on Sunday approved the establishment of an air train line stretching deep into the Old City of occupied al-Quds after it rejected petitions against the "air train" project in the occupied city of al-Quds.

The "Palestine Today" news agency quoted the lawyer for Wadi Helwa-al-Quds Information Center Sami Arshid: "The Supreme Court abruptly rejected petitions against the aerial project, giving the green light to begin the implementation of the project, despite objections against it.

He added: "Detailed objections were made on behalf of the people of Silwan, traders of the Old City, Palestinian and Israeli civil society associations, and despite professional criticism of this project, which compromised the Old Town and the general view of Jerusalem's walls, as well as damage to the cultural, historical and architectural heritage of the city.

 He added: "Detailed objections were made on behalf of the people of Silwan, traders of the Old City, Palestinian and Israeli civil society associations, and despite professional criticism of this project, which prejudicial the Old Town and the general view of Jerusalem's walls, as well as damage to the cultural, historical and architectural heritage of the city.

The Wadi Helwa Information Centre explained that the project "air train" derived from "The special structural project surrounding Old Jerusalem", which the Israeli authorities began working on more than 10 years ago, and two years ago "Jerusalem Development Authority" launched and announce the air train project in the vicinity of the Old City in partnership with the Municipality of Jerusalem and the Ministries of Transport and Tourism. The Israeli authorities consider this project to be one of the "national transport projects and transport of tourists to the Old City."

In 2019, the Zionist Infrastructure Committee approved the aerial train scheme in Jerusalem, which links the olive mountain to Buraq Square. The plan includes several stations. Objections were made to the station from the revolutionary neighborhood through the Nabi Dawood area and to the Wadi Helwa area, namely the "Kedem Settlement Project".

Channel Seven Zionists reported that the plan included a 1.4 km 4-station air train line that could carry 3 thousand people per hour at the peak of its work.

The project extends from the old train station on Hebron Road to "Mount Zion", after which it will reach the Gate of Maghareba, where a station will be set up for settlers to use in reaching the Buraq Wall and Old Town, and from there the train will continue towards "Nahal Kadroon", the Olive Mountain and al-Aqwas Hotel.

The updated plan includes 41 vehicles 73 meters apart and will carry up to 10 passengers at 6 meters per second, with the full distance traveling within 4.5 minutes and at the same cost as regular trains.



resource : Saba