Sana'a - Saba:
A meeting held on Sunday discussed the strategic plans and 2025 budget of the Yemeni Pharmaceutical Company, "Yedco." Chaired by Minister of Economy, Industry, and Investment Eng. Moeen al-Mahaqeri.
The Minister emphasized the importance of finalizing the company's budget swiftly and updating its production, marketing, and development plans.
He also highlighted the need for effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the company's goals for 2025 are met.
Al-Mahaqeri called for a system overhaul to modernize the company's operations, ensuring they are flexible enough to adapt to market changes and improve competitiveness.
The Minister encouraged the company to make full use of its existing infrastructure and learn from successful entities within the ministry to enhance its performance.
Chairman of Yedco Dr. Mohammed al-Tehami presented a report on the company's current situation and future plans, including the addition of new production lines. He acknowledged the Ministry’s ongoing support in overcoming challenges and facilitating progress.
The meeting underscored the need for continued growth, competitiveness, and efficient resource management within Yedco to achieve success in 2025.Yedco discusses 2025 plans, budget

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