Leader of Revolution: Saudis must be aware that Yemen’s military industry is evolving


Yemen News Agency SABA
Leader of Revolution: Saudis must be aware that Yemen’s military industry is evolving
[14/ April/2018]
SANAA, Apr 14 (Saba) – The leader of the Yemeni revolution, Abdulmalik Badradean al-Houthi, explained that the military capabilities of the Yemeni Army and Ansarullah are evolving and that the Saudi regime and their allies should be aware of this escalation.

He pointed out that the more the Saudi regime and their allies continue with the war, the greater Yemen’s military capabilities shall be.

Al-Houthi confirmed that America and Israel made rifts in the ranks of the Islamic and Arabic nation to control its armies, wealth and decisions.

This came in his televised speech Friday on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Sayyed Hussein Al-Houthi, he pointed out how they found in the Quranic project of Sayyed Hussein Al-Houthi the right and necessary project to face all different dangers. He explained that Sayyed Hussein’s project meets the need of the nation to confront the enemies and was not a luxury or a desire to create a problem, “Sayyed Hussein’s project is not bounded by doctrine, sectarian or geographical restrictions,” he said, pointing out that those who demand silence from the people ought to ask the nation to cease to exist.

 “United States and Israel are a feared of direct confrontation with the Yemeni people, especially after the painful experience of America in Iraq,” he said, adding that they recruited some of the Arab regimes, armies and groups to fight on their behalf.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi pointed out that the enemy depends on made up excuses as an essential mean to strike the nation and that the events of September 11 were a pretext specially made for direct control of the region. He explained that the enemies used titles such as liberation, democracy, freedom and human rights to control the nation.

Sayyed Houthi also added that the fight against terrorism was one of the most important headlines used by the Americans to carry out their colonial project. He further explained that the American government made and has been setting up the conditions in some countries to have thousands of elements from terrorist organizations grow bigger such as al-Qaeda, and that the organizations had the ability to expand only after certain conditions provided by the US.

The leader of the revolution also pointed out that America and its allies relies on exploiting problems among people, whatever size it is, to divide them and serve their colonial project. He also stated that there are groups working for America and Israel in all fields, whether it is military, security or culture.

 “If we were confronted directly with the Americans and the Israelis, it would have been much easier,” he said. “The Americans and the Israelis are fleeing from direct confrontation to avoid losses.” They fight these wars by employing groups and armies to fight for them. He added that “The idiots for the Arabs made themselves available for that.” The American and Israeli push their agenda without losing anything.

Sayyed Al-Houthi said that the facts have manifested in a clear way, pointing out that the American sees himself as the only one concerned with our Arab and Islamic situation and that some Arab states are working to implant the state of despair and defeatism in the nation seriously.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi pointed out that the situation in the areas under the occupation is calling for widespread popular action to stop the state of tampering exercised by these forces against Yemenis. He pointed out that the rape cases in the occupied territories have been happening continuously. “The violation of the honor and dignity is neither easy nor simple,” he warned the mercenaries.

He called on to raise the state of readiness and intensify the preparations in order to defend the land and honor of the people. He said, “We need to be more aware and steadfast and move young people to the front lines to confront the aggression.

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