HRW: Israeli airstrike deliberately targeted rescue center S Lebanon

Yemen News Agency SABA
HRW: Israeli airstrike deliberately targeted rescue center S Lebanon
[07/ May/2024]
WASHINGTON May 07. 2024 (Saba) -The Israeli on 27 March 2024 deliberately or carelessly targeted rescue center in South Lebanon, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) said late on Monday, calling for probe into the attack as a "war crime".

The airstrike used US-made "Joint Direct Attack Munitions" and an Israeli-made 500-pound bomb, the watchdog added, as the attack left seven volunteer rescuers killed.

The overnight airstrike targeted a residential building hosting an emergency and relief body - a humanitarian NGO run by the Lebanese rescue association - that offers emergency, rescue, first-aid training and relief services in Lebanon, HRW said, with "no evidence found that the site included military targets."

The HRW called on the US to stop arms sales and military support to Israel, citing the Zionist army's "illegal use of US arms".


resource : Saba