Seminar entitled Nature of Arab-Israeli conflict, importance of boycott and resistance to normalization

Yemen News Agency SABA
Seminar entitled Nature of Arab-Israeli conflict, importance of boycott and resistance to normalization
[07/ May/2024]

SANA'A May 07. 2024 (Saba) - The National Institute of Administrative Sciences in Sana'a organized on Tuesday a seminar entitled "The nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the importance of boycott and resistance to normalization."

In the seminar, which was attended by the Secretary-General of the House of Representatives Abdullah Al Qasimi and the President of Saada University, Dr. Abdul Rahim Al-Hamran, four working papers were presented, the first of which dealt with Judge Abdullah Al-Naami the Qur'anic vision of the conflict with the Israeli enemy by talking about the Children of Israel and the People of the Book from the Jews and revealing their danger and despicable methods, such as meeting the prophets with ingratitude and denial.

The paper reviewed a number of Quranic descriptions of the Jews, including that they are more hostile to Muslims and the killers of the prophets, who slander God by lying and breaking and covenant, stressing the importance of using all available means from the perspective of the Qur'an in the face of the usurping Zionist enemy.

The second paper entitled "The Emergence of Zionism", presented by the President of Al-Bayda University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Arami, dealt with the stages of the emergence of Zionism and how it controlled the Christian mind to turn it from a persecuted opponent to a Jewish mind.

He stated that the establishment of Zionism went through a number of stages since the publication of the pioneer of Christian reform Martin Luther book (Christ was born a Jew) in 1523, after which the Jews understood Christians as God's chosen people and that the Christian faith and entry into paradise are linked to the return of the Jews to the land of birth.

According to the paper, the stages included Napoleon's announcement of the return of the Jews to Palestine, passing through the most dangerous development, which is Jewish expansion by controlling the British and the world, the emergence of the term Zionism and Semitism, ending with the implementation phase, the establishment of the entity, the Balfour Declaration, the Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the occupation of Palestine in 1948.

The third paper dealt with two axes: the first by Dr. Muhammad Al-Qatabari on the importance of the economic boycott and the dangers of normalization, pointing to the importance of the boycott as an effective and lethal weapon, the historical stages of activating the boycott against the entity, the periods in which the Israeli boycott movement witnessed a decline due to the peace agreements, the Gaza war and its repercussions on the boycott and normalization and the advanced Yemeni role in this aspect.

The second axis of the professor of economics at Amran University, Abdullah Al-Adhi, touched on the impact of the Gaza war on the enemy entity economically and politically, while the fourth paper presented by the planning officer at the National Institute, Dr. Abdul Hakim Sufyan, dealt with the role of student protests in American and European universities in supporting the Palestinian right and exposing American and Western policies.


resource : Saba